
Aug 15, 2008 12:04

Hieracite: (n) A follower of Hierax, an Egyptian ascetic (c300 A.D.), who denied the resurrection of the body, and taught that celibacy is required for Christian perfection, etc.

mastic: (n) An aromatic gum or resin which exudes from the bark of the lentisk or mastic tree, Pistacia lentiscus, used chiefly in making varnishes and, formerly, in medicine (also mastic gum). Also with distinguishing word: any of various similar resins derived from other trees. Mastic is generally sold in the form of roundish, pea-sized tears, transparent with a pale yellow or faint greenish tinge. It is produced almost exclusively on the Greek island of Chios in the Aegean Sea.

modillion: (n) In Architecture: Any of a series of projecting brackets placed on the underside of the corona of the cornice in the Corinthian, Composite, and (less commonly) the Roman Ionic orders; also in extended use.

sackbut: (n) 1. A musical instrument of the Renaissance; a bass trumpet with a slide like that of a trombone for altering the pitch. Recently revived in the performances of some early music.
2. A player on the sackbut.
3. In Roman Antiquity: A military engine for storming walls; also called 'sambuca'

melilot: (n) Any of various Eurasian plants constituting the genus Melilotus (family Fabaceae (Leguminosae)), characterized by trifoliate leaves and long racemes of small flowers, usually yellow or white, which smell of newly mown hay when dry, and are sometimes grown as forage and green manure and as bee plants; esp. (in full yellow melilot) the yellow-flowered M. officinalis, the dried flowers of which were formerly much used in making plasters, poultices, etc., and (in full white melilot) the white-flowered M. alba. Also (U.S.) called sweet clover.

aquilegia: (n) In Botany: A plant of the genus of this name consisting of several species of ranunculaceous plants, the flowers of which are pentamerous with spurred petals; = Columbine

ranunculaceous: (adj) In Botany: Belonging to the Natural Order Ranunculaceæ, of which Ranunculus is the typical genus.

pentamerous: (adj) 1. In Zoology: Consisting of or having five parts or segments; specifically (a) designating tarsi consisting of five segments or joints; (of insects) having such tarsi; (b) having or consisting of five radiating parts; (of symmetry, esp. in a starfish or other echinoderm) fivefold.
2. In Botany: Having five parts, or parts in groups or multiples of five. (Often written 5-merous.)

farrago: (n) A confused group; a medley, mixture, hotchpotch.

hoi polloi: The majority; the masses. Also formerly in Univ. slang, candidates for a pass degree. (In English use normally preceded by the definite article even though hoi means ‘the’.)

polymath: (n) A person of great or varied learning; a person acquainted with many fields of study; an accomplished scholar.

eventuate: (v) 1. To have a (specified) event or issue; to turn out (well or ill); to issue, result in.
2. To be the issue; to result, come about.
3. To bring to the event or issue.

definitions, language

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