Title: Yuri's Ego
Pairing: Chinen Yuri/Kawashima Umika, Yamada/Shida if you squint (I told you I’m biased)
Prompt: “Ego” by Beyonce, and my RL friend. lol
Summary: 5 times Chinen used his sharp tongue + 1 time he was outwitted... or was he?
-Umika's POV
-Chii is definitely OOC here. lol
-No. 2 is from experienced, my ten years old nephew told me that last summer. Lol. A future heartbreaker, he’s a very handsome young man. xD (proud aunt /whacked)
He's got a big ego, such a huge ego
Their class would be having a short play for their English class.
The girls borrowed some sewing kits from the theatre club and so now Umika, Mirai and the others were sewing their costumes in their classroom.
"Yatta! I finished mine!" Mirai announced. She would be playing the nurse maid.
She stood up and tried her costume on. Suzuka helped her.
"So what do you think?" she asked us.
Umika smiled at her and said, "It's perfect."
That was when Yuri passed.
"Mirai, what are you wearing? You look like a caregiver." He said nonchalantly.
"It's my costume for our play, I do suppose to look like a nurse maid." she said, smiling.
"It's too realistic!" Yuri laughed.
"Is it?" Mirai giggled.
Umika was both amazed and annoyed. Sometimes Yuri could be so conceited. And Mirai was just too nice, she wouldn't let it pass if Yuri told her that.
The boys also started doing the other props. It was just a short play but it wouldn't hurt if they went all out.
Yuto, ever the supportive prefect, dragged his band mates when he saw Kamiki-kun and the others working.
Umika smiled. It was corny, but times like these should really be preserved in memory. All of them was working together and having fun.
But someone's voice distracted her from her train of thought.
"Baka! It screws the other way!" Yuri laughed at Yuto
"Eeeeh?! So that was why it doesn't screw! I've been working on it for ten minutes now!" Yuto said exasperatedly.
"Yuto honto wa baka." Yuri said.
But Yuto just smiled at him, "Yosh, let's do it right this time!"
It was their break and Umika was astounded to see Ryosuke studying.
"Why is he studying?" Umika asked Mirai.
Mirai rolled her eyes. "He made another bet with Jingi and Shougo. The one who got the lowest grade would treat the other two to lunch for a month."
"Silly." Suzuka said.
"More like, stupid, really." Mirai commented.
"Chii! I don't get this part..." they heard Ryosuke said and saw him pointed at something in his notebook.
"You just use MN extended rule. Multiply the four probabilities." Yuri explained.
Yamada took his calculator out.
"It's 144, Yama-chan." He said.
"How did you know that?"
"It's just 4x6x2x3.." he said.
"Sugee, Chii!" Ryosuke said.
Yuri laughed, "An expert with a stone can still beat a novice with a shuriken."
Ryosuke laughed, too. "That's from Naruto!"
Umika shook her head. Yuri is really boastful.
They have swimming class for today.
The girls were already in the pool, while the boys haven't gone out of the changing room yet.
Umika was with her friends. The class hasn't started since their sensei was called by the principal so the girls were just playing around.
When the guys finally arrived, Shougo and the others jump in the pool at once.
There was a big splash when Yuto and Jingi jumped at the same time since both were so tall.
Ryosuke didn't jump but used the steps. He went towards Mirai at once.
But Yuri didn't go in the pool. He just took a seat by the steps. He was close to Umika and Saaya.
"Chinen, why are you sitting there? Come on down, the water feels nice." Saaya invited.
"Down? I already went down." Yuri said. "I'm from up there." He said, and pointed to the sky.
Umika couldn't help but laugh; that was lame for Yuri.
Saaya laughed, too. They then pulled him to the pool.
Yuri made a perfect frond handspring in their Physical Ed.
This was a usual occurrence. Yuri does excel in all their subjects.
The class clapped their hands for Yuri and Yuri bowed at them.
His friends laugh at his antics.
"Encore, encore!" Shougo shouted whilst laughing.
Yuri bowed again and then made a perfect skyscraper. Umika's heart actually stopped for a second. She was surprised Yuri did that.
The class went silent.
And then his friends shouted again. "Whoa! Chii! You totally rock!"
He shrugged as if saying, "Well, yeah."
"You are so smug," Jingi said mock-punching him.
"Well, it's hard to be humble if you know you're the best."
Umika just sighed at that. 'Yuri and his big head.'
Umika and Yuri were in the Music room. After Yuri heard Umika playing the piano, he asked her to teach him.
He started playing. But the melody was very different.
Umika check the title of the score, it was the right score. Why was Yuri playing differently?
She then realized that he was using G clef.
"Yuri, stop, you're making my head hurt. It's in E clef, not G..." She giggled.
"Oh, right.." he said sheepishly.
Umika was quite proud that she could defeat Yuri in word banter. Well, she thinks he just let her win. He is quite humble when it's only the two of them.
"I thought Inoo-san is teaching you?" She asked.
"Well, I never really listen to him." He said guiltily.
"How will you learn if you're like that?" She said.
"I'll learn. I have you." He declared.
Okay, maybe he's not that humble, after all.