Oct 27, 2005 00:45
Should anyone be sitting around wondering about, oh I don't know, God, I learned in class today how to prove without a doubt the existence of God in five easy medieval steps. There ya go.
But that doesn't make my tummy ache any better, so what's the point?
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Everything is constant motion. But nothing can move itself, so there must be something moving it, and something moving that, and something moving that, and so on, but, as I just said, nothing can move/change itself, so there must be an "unmoved mover", i.e. God at the end of the chain reaction.
Another way to say this is that something can be moved only from potentially to actuality, like wood is potentially hot, and can become actually hot. But. For anything to change from potentially something (like hot) to actually something (like hot), it needs something external to change it, and this force has to be in that state already, like wood is made hot by something already hot, like fire. Therefore, nothing can move itself, for nothing can be potentially hot and actually hot at the same time. Okay? So, again, if nothing can move itelf, somewhere back at the end of the chain of all the universe's movements, there has to be something impossible, something that moves everything. Like God.
2. Reason two is pretty much the same as the first. Nothing can move itself, but more importantly (and more convincingly) nothing can create itself. Nothing can come from nothing. So where did everyhting come from? There must be an uncreated creator. Bam.
there are three more if you really want to know them, but I'm afraid of boring you...
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