TBR stack: 248. (I'm quite proud of this, as I started the year at 295 and was aiming for 240 by the end of the year.) So far I've only bought three books this year which I haven't read yet. (I'm sure this will change as soon as I have my annual trip to Powell's, which I think might be before Sirens in October again.)
• What did you recently finish reading?
Linda K. Kerber, No Constitutional Right to Be Ladies: Women and the Obligations of Citizenship, which was a tad dry at times, but was cogent and well-supported, and had a wry feminist sensibility I quite liked.
A couple of DWJ rereads: The Time of the Ghost and The Homeward Bounders. The latter is still amazing and one of my favorites; the former isn't, quite, as I find the combination of grim and confusing not totally to my taste.
Elizabeth Moon, Limits of Power: I really think I'll like these more when I read them all as a unit when they're all out (I think this is the fourth of five). There's just not quite enough happening in each book for me to love them individually, though there was a lot of Arvid in the last part of this one, which pleased me.
A couple of Laura Kinsale rereads: The Hidden Heart and The Shadow and the Star. Plots: still cracktastic! Characters: still wonderful! Samuel and Leda: still one of my favorite couples ever!
The Letters of Noel Coward: fabulous, and now I want to read his diaries. (Though then I got to Sondheim's mini-essay about Coward in Finishing the Hat and was amused at Sondheim's near-utter disdain for Coward's lyrics.)
• What are you currently reading?
Rereading Susanna Kearsley's The Winter Sea, which I loved when I read it the first time. Just about to start Jane Leavy's biography of Sandy Koufax. Still reading Finishing the Hat and listening to Sondheim sequentially (currently on Follies).
• What do you think you’ll read next?
Fiction: Kearsley's The Firebird, which is a sort-of-sequel to The Winter Sea and I believe has a character from The Shadowy Horses as well. Non-fiction: probably C.V. Wedgwood's The Thirty Years War, which I just got from Powell's after a small mix-up in which they accidentally sent me a 1961 Anchor Books tatty paperback edition instead of the NYRB Classics edition I'd ordered (they fixed the mistake very quickly and politely, though; I was impressed).
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