(no subject)

Dec 24, 2009 01:29

I have been neglecting eLJay land terribly... partially due to the fact that i have been working a lot (at Naked Chocolate Cafe; Whole Foods, or at least my boss there, screwed me over pretty stupidly)> I have also not been home a lot, and when I have been, James has not often had his laptop home. He has a 3G card that work pays for, and i will eventially be getting one as well.


i have next week off & plan to spend it catching up on internetz, and generally doing crap around the house, plus hanging out at coffeeshops that have actual organic milk and therefore will not upset my stomach (as the conventional milk at my work does :P) and of course, updating on the recent goingz-on.

thankfully, things have been going a lot better than the first elevent months of 2009... funny how this year waited til almost December to stop KILLING MY SOUL o_O ...but i'm just glad it finally mellowed out.

i'm still following you guys as much as i can whenever i have net access. i often skip to 200 entries back every few weeks to catch up; that's actually part of why i have not updated myself, cause usually by the time that's done i have to get offline.

In More Serious News...

If you pray in any sort of fashion, or have a few dollars to spare for a worthy cause, my best friend's cat is in dire need of medical help that is far beyond their financial ability to provide. He needs all the good thoughts & energy, and all the change you can spare, in many senses of the word. Ekhi needs a kidney transplant and is running out of time. We've managed to raise good chunk of money so far amongst family and friends, but there is still a long way to go. Ekhi (pronounced eck-ee; it's the name of a sun god and he is a brilliant orangey yellow) is a young cat whose chances of survival are very good if he has this operation. Kidney disease this severe is rare among young cats, and the vets he has seen are mystified as to why he has developed it. Thankfully, one of the few hospitals that does this kind of surgery is right here in Philadelphia...

If you are interested in making a donation, the PayPal address is helpsavemycat ~at~ gmail {dot}com, and you can also find a Facebook group that shows pictures and updates on his condition if you search for "Help Save My Cat's Life". Updates are also being posted @Ekhi_the_cat on Twitter.

I assure you this is a legitimate request, for a much-loved kitty whose parents are doing absolutely everything they can to help him. I've known Matt & Amber for over a decade and they are like family to me.

Thank You in advance from the bottom of all of our hearts for your help & support.

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