truckloadz of FNAAARGGHHHH

Apr 08, 2009 08:08

does anyone want a ticket to the Chris Cornell show @ Webster Hall in NYC tonite?

i am sick... achey, stuffy, out of it, and fucking disgruntled. as much as i would love to not miss this show, my body is more or less saying "F you, Gwyddon. You are not going anywhere farther than the bathroom for the time being."

I would really like the ticket not to go to waste... I paid $50 for it and would like to get that amount, but this is so last minute that i'll just take whatever i can get. including cookies and vitamin c-laden fruit smoothies.

ugh. i hurt everywhere, and there's no tyler to cuddle with tonite. :( i'm getting way too used to his snugglez.

ugh. i HAAAAATE missing out on things.

hatey mchateness.

blargh. :(

BTW: i will post a *much* happier recap of show week when i'm not in such a monumentally craptastical mood. which hopefully will be soon.

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