Feb 11, 2009 00:28
the t00bz, they are quite today. at least the particular ones that i pay attention to.
the pottery wheel is frustrating me massively, and i need to have 10-12 pots done by next thursday. great! o_O at least it gives me something to do all day on saturday... there's open studio time til 5:30, and i'm planning on ignoring valentine's day just as thoroughly as i ignored xmas, only this time i'll be sending a few sillie ecards i photoshopped together years ago and which still make me laugh. i also have a few things i want to send to Judah, but those will have to wait until after the 15th when i get paid, and would have been sent regardless of Corporate Greeting Card Holiday. i mean, yay 4 luvz and all that, but it's just another holiday where something meaningful & important gets the life sucked out of it by capitalism, and making people feel obligated to express things they should be expressing anyway if they truly give a damn about somebody.
really tired... crashed early, and thankfully Wonder Showzen (via Netflix) did not give ma any fucked up dreams. i've been doing pretty excellent in the dream dpt lately, and will post more about that later. ;)
i've been craving a wawa chicken salad hoagie and some sort of latte all day. it's funny how the one day i REALLLY want a latte i'm not on the schedule and too busy/tired to stop by work... and there is a wawa < 2 blocks down. :P at lesat i know what i;m having for lunch tomorrow. hehe
checking email and heading to bed. buncha stuff to do tomorrow before work, including the writing a few letters, laundry and dishes.
my life is so thrilling.... but i;m very content with boring in february; wouldn't want to tempt fate, you know.
11 down, 17 to go!