Jul 18, 2006 03:30
So I didn't get the assistant administrator position. Boo!
On the other hand, I am glad all this waiting and wondering is over, and I did get a position off nights where I can work four ten hour days and am still in a supervisory position over nights, as well as being an evening team lead (I call the shots on the floor on evenings when I'm there). It's not as good as assistant admin, but it's a big step up from nights and a schedule that puts me out of synch with everyone else, so overall I am happy with the change. It was good to find out how many people really supported me and had trust and faith in me, so I feel this was a good experience for that alone.
In other news:
Well, no, not actually, but my livejournal is kind of going on hiatus. With my schedule I just haven't had the time I would like to update and read other people's stuff and comment. I feel guilty when I'm not commenting and then I avoid LJ because I feel guilty, and ... bleh. Trust me, I know the folks that read this aren't getting all offended that I'm not the most prolific writer, but I gots my own issues with that sort of thing, so I decided just to take a break from LJ. Important stuff tends to get pointed out to me by my loved ones, and I still can be reached through e-mail or of course AIM (gwynbones), and I'll probably pop up now and then.
You folks rock the house.