I don't seem to write in this thing much anymore. Huh.
I am not keeping up as well as I should be on my character journals, either, one of the problems with Sarah living with me. XD Since I don't actually have to go online to see her, I spend a lot of time hanging out with her instead. And then Rachel comes over and me have a zombie party, and dude, nothing gets written. I feel guilty except I rather like being able to go poke Sarah whenever the urge strikes, and it's a lot of fun to have Rachel over and have her love the original Dawn of the Dead.
4th of July is one of my favorite holidays (right next to Halloween), but this year, we had no fireworks, just saw other people's on the way to work. Andy worked, and I failed multiple times to go up to Washington to get me an illegal bag of fun. But I am hoping to get some for the Orcas Island trip later in the summer. I can order some stuff online, but we are in one of nine states that cannot be delivered to. On the other hand, I could see if I could get them sent to my mom's ... or see if they have any decent stuff year round at the rez I usually go to.
But anyway, we did eat my specialty burgers and delicious sweet corn on the cob, and strawberry shortcake and also watched the Deadwood season one finale which is pretty fucking all American. I love that show. It makes me cry and cheer, man. And Sarah has Sims2 and let me make some of the characters! So it has all in all been a most excellent weekend. I do need to remember that it is apparently impossible for me and Sarah to go to sleep more less than three hours after we have actually gone to bed, if we sleep in the same bed. The jokes are horrible, but man, do we laugh ...
The guys are going to be gone for five days, though, which makes me sad. I already don't see them that much, and now they will be gone all weekend and two days. Matt's been painting stuff to go, and they were gone this Friday and Saturday, too. I really wanted to go to Anthrocon, but bah, need a new car, etc. But then the week after
berbalang is coming up, so it will be weekend of fellowship and trying to impress people with my cooking skills.
Avaunt! I go now to tend to my poor characters!