Vid: Jet Song

Oct 11, 2016 12:53

This is probably terrible, but I couldn't help myself: every single time I saw Captain America: Civil War in the theatre, this song would play in my head when Steve walked out to the tarmac. I edited out the spoken word section in the middle (as well as the ethnic insults line, because it just didn't feel like it belonged in a vid that isn't about ( Read more... )

vids, captain america

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Comments 11

belmanoir October 11 2016, 20:02:28 UTC
omg I love it! Like I already loved the stuff you showed me but now it works so brilliantly with the music (Ant-Man starting awake!) and ugh they're such a bunch of little gangsters.


gwyn_r October 12 2016, 18:33:40 UTC
They are! Buncha ne'er-do-wells, if you ask me. I'm really glad you liked it!


ixchel55 October 11 2016, 20:12:26 UTC
I think this is great fun and quite appropriate! I really liked it.


gwyn_r October 12 2016, 18:34:23 UTC
Aw, thanks! They seemed like a perfect match to me.


daria234 October 12 2016, 02:58:40 UTC
lol this is great!


gwyn_r October 12 2016, 18:34:49 UTC
Thank you!


mackiemesser October 12 2016, 03:37:02 UTC
Hee! That was highly enjoyable!

And so now I'm picturing Steve & Bucky vs. Tony set to "Cool." Because I am easily amused.


gwyn_r October 12 2016, 18:36:56 UTC
Actually, I could see about half the sountrack for this stupid movie--like, imagine what you could do with the authority figures and Gee Officer Krupke… And of course Rumble was used for a Stargate Atlantis vid a few years ago but you could definitely make of use of that.


mackiemesser October 13 2016, 02:12:38 UTC
I think there's only one response to this and that is--

Damn you, Sondheim...


trepkos October 12 2016, 07:34:03 UTC
That was fun!


gwyn_r October 12 2016, 18:37:21 UTC
Thank you!


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