Falling Water

Oct 07, 2016 12:53

No, not the famous midcentury modern house. Just in case some of you tend to keep up with TV via others' posts, I thought I'd mention the fall premiere I'm most looking forward to, Falling Water on USA. It technically starts on October 13, although I believe the premiere ep is already out there, I'm a little confused by this. You can also watch the first ten minutes here. (Warning for some disturbing images and child loss/birth horror.)

It's canonical dreamsharing: three unrelated people realize they are dreaming separate parts of a single common dream. As is probably obvious from my last Steve/Bucky story, I loooove dreamsharing, and this has a really fantastic hallucinatory effect going on here, very mysterious and, well, dreamlike. In some ways it reminded me of certain parts of Charlie Jade. Gale Ann Hurd is one of the showrunners, and she usually does quality work. Of course since it's American TV there's what sounds like the fate of the world at stake and possibly a conspiracy, but I'm just really excited about the dreamscapes.

The best part for me is that the three main characters are played by Will Yun Lee (my heart!!! I'm so thrilled that he'll be a lead and not just someone's Asian sidekick!), David Ajala, and Lizzie Brochere, which means the story will be focused on an Asian man, a black man, and a white woman, which, let's face it, in dramas outside of Netflix is a racial makeup that's in pretty short supply. It looks like it might be filmed in New York so maybe we can hope for more in that respect, too, I'm keeping fingers crossed.


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