Jun 05, 2010 22:38
Favorite episode. Jeez! Why not make you pick your favorite kid or something? (Not that I, you know, have kids, but I'm just saying.) I think most people go for Once More, With Feeling -- I've seen a couple other Buffyites mention it. But I have some issues with that one, and the other related possible candidate, Tabula Rasa. I think I might pick Intervention, just because it subverted so much of the expectations (I defy anyone to say they didn't cringe when they first heard it was going to be a Buffybot created by Spike).
But then... I go back to season 2, and Becoming, and how amazing that whole story was, not the least of which was Giles being tortured and Buffy and Spike forming their strange alliance (see icon), and that unforgettable ending. It seemed as if everyone got something spectacular to do in those episodes.
And there was evil Angel, and that one final glimpse of good Angel, and my favorite thing in the whole world, thwarted love and supreme sacrifice of the "killing you means I love you" variety... and bonus Sarah McLachlan at the end. It was all good, and operatically tragic, leavened with moments of wit and brilliant action, and I never get tired of watching it.
Hey, remember when Spike and Joyce first met, and sat there in the living room, trying to make small talk? Good times.