Aug 07, 2009 23:52
Month three of the fitness escapade (not to be confused with the convention Escapade). I still have not lost any weight (well, to be honest, I don't weigh myself, as I do not know how to use those old fashioned scales with the bobbly things on them) and the tight pants and tops are still every bit as tight. In fact, I would actually say things are worse in that the other day I put on my undies like normal and the new, larger ones were too tight. That was a fair bit of what the fuckery I didn't understand. Maybe it's because it was in the hundreds here and I was so puffed up that I couldn't even wear my ring, but I think that's just how it is lately -- everything's still tight.
I also didn't exercise all last week because of the heat. The second floor of the gym is always abysmally hot and I couldn't face trying to do cardio there in such weather. I also didn't go for my in-between-gym walks for the heat reason. This week I'm making up for it, though, by getting back to my routine and going for some really challenging walks -- yesterday was not unlike a day hike in the Cascade foothills. And I've made all of them without stopping, so I know that at least my stamina has increased.
My main issue is the gym, honestly. On the days I prefer to go, I have to endure this miniature blowhard who seems to have quite a sycophantic coterie around him and who constantly shouts and brags and can't seem to talk below Brian Blessed level, even though his voice is nowhere near that basso profundo sort of quality. It never fails that he's everywhere I want to be and I just get so very tired of listening to him and his "duuuude, awesome!" friends. They're all loud and mentally deficient. But if I go on a M W F cycle, then I have to listen to the aerobics or whatever they're calling it these days class with the shrieking microphone woman and the tall white guy who bellows or the tiny Asian woman who whoop-whoop-whoops at top volume in between mic lady's instructions. Not to mention the pounding music. There is really no such thing as a quiet time there, except apparently in the afternoon at exactly the time I don't want to be caught on the freeway trying to get back home.
Oh how I wish I could afford to toss this gym membership and go somewhere nice. Somewhere close by. I really don't mind the working out, it's the people I can't stand, and this is what stopped me the last time. I have to try to find a head space that won't let me drop out.
I will probably be faced with at least some weight loss soon, though. After I get home from VVC, I go in to get my braces -- really aligners because I'm doing the Invisalign things. I'm so not looking forward to this -- no more sipping tea all day long, no more grazing on small bits of food, no more unplanned-out eating out. This will be my last bit of freedom for two years. Sob. No one I know cares anything about my anxiety about the braces thing, so I am busy feeling sorry for myself with extra helpings. I know this will be good for me in the long run and fix many of my mouth problems, but I really don't want to do it.
But first, VVC! OMG next week. I have so many discs to burn and covers to trim and liner notes to fold. AIIEEEE!
fat fat water rat