Spinning, but not exercise related

Apr 25, 2009 17:05

Unless you count marathon puking as exercise. Which, since it seems to use my stomach muslces so much, might very well be.

Vertigo has decided to grace me with its presence again. I always deal with a bit of vertigo in general, but the major attacks of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo have been gone since treatment a few years ago. Usually it results, in people my age, from a blow to the head or infection, but I've had neither any time recently (infection can often come from a virus, too, like a cold).

Yesterday woke up to puking, but got better after a while, enough to drive and go have dinner at friends' -- and I ate like the starving person I was. But then it came back today after sleeping with a huge vengeance -- I've been barfing all morning, this scary looking yellow barf because there's nothing left in my stomach. I saw that they recommended Dramamine in case of nausea in my dr. notes so you could try to do the exercises, so I had my dad bring me some, but I guess I could have saved him the trip, since the active ingredient is diphenhydrate, which is the active ingredient in the Benadryl I love so much and recently bought a Costco-sized bottle of. Oh well.

I have to try to sleep semi-upright tonight, which is extremely hard for me to do. Oy. I hate this so much. Not being able to walk, to bend in the slightest, to watch everything spin all the time, to feel like I'm going to fall over. In fact, I just noticed that in the time it took to type this up, I have listed about 10 degrees to the left without even knowing it. I finally broke down and drank some iced tea and ate a cup of yogurt (mmm, Greek Gods pomegranate Greek yogurt, so heavenly and rich), I'm waiting to see if the Dramamine keeps it down. Nikita in my mood theme pic really does look like how I feel.

The thing is, I have to finish my Club VV vid because the deadline approacheth soon. Real soon. And I need to start my other vids as well. And work in the yard while the weather holds. Gah. Oh well, at least I'm getting my shows off the Tifaux. Dollhouse last night = stupid, Flashpoint last night = awesome though painful (oh, Donna, and oh, Jules), Numb3rs last night = so-so, and still so much else to go.
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