Youth recaptured in cereal

Apr 22, 2009 12:23

Today's Dinosaur Comics is so very very me. The cereal, the memories of childhood things that disappeared, the obsession with finding out... Ah ha ha ha. I love it.

At least that's a little laughter. I'm just getting more and more down as things go by. I had to send in my IRS form today -- I got audited! Really, that has always been one of my adult-life terrors; the other being body-cavity searched (my other motto in life: never do anything that could potentially result in a body-cavity search). But apparently they needed to know more about my state sales-tax deduction in 2007, which was the year of the kitchen remodel/addition on the house. They allow you to make a spreadsheet if you have too many receipts to send in, which I did. My tax person said that a lot of her clients have had this for the same year; she's actually of the mind that they're just trying to see who'll pay them more money and they don't really care. But it makes me highly nervous, even though I have nothing to hide. I've read so many horror stories about what the IRS does to people... shudder.

I've been doing a lot of marketing for work, which entails things I really hate doing and it just makes me end up feeling like dirt, because it so rarely ends with getting anything or getting potential clients interested. I just took one of the worst editing tests I've ever taken, probably even worse than the Slate copyediting test I took. It was so freaking bizarre. But I did it, just because who knows what they're really looking for, although the phrase "any errors you make will be counted against your score" makes me feel even more nervous.

I also am feeling like I need to rethink whether I can go to VVC. Most people have made their plans for roomies or don't want me rooming with them, and I'm feeling acutely depressed about the situation. I can get the airplane tix for miles, but the room for four nights would be too astronomical to deal with, so I just don't know what to do about it. I feel like it would be wiser to not go and certainly less depressing to not be reminded of how alone I feel, but being in the auction this year kinda makes me feel like I should be there with the vid. I know in the end it doesn't matter, but... it feels that way. Or it just feels bad, whatever.

I'm still a little confused about some of the Dreamwidth stuff, and I know I should sit down and really look at it, but it almost feels too sophisticated for me! I'm like, access/subscribe... wha? So I take it that access is like if you friend someone, who then can read your friends-locked journal page, but how is that different than subscribing? You can just subscribe to someone without them being able to see an flocked post? My brain is still stuck in LJ-land, which I still haven't learned enough about!

Last night there was a police helicopter and a number of silent patrol cars searching for a burglary suspect or home invasion, no one is sure which. It was a little alarming for me because I very well remember the police and the K9 unit in my backyard a couple years ago detaining a car thief and how nerve-wracking that was. I kept looking out the back window, and I wanted to try to get Olive to come inside, but no way in hell was I opening the door, since my garden appears to be a favorite hiding space. After about 45 min. they went away, but I don't know if they caught their ne'er-do-well or not.
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