Their joyful tone to every home

Dec 24, 2008 12:53

Sorry it took me so long to put up the Christmas tunes I promised. Hey, it's one day before!! I get some special credit for at least not waiting till after, right? This is a mix of a few of my old favorites and some new ones. I tried to pick a few that I haven't seen in a lot of other music posts on my flist. The links will expire sometime after the new year, when I remember to take them down because I need the space on my web site. ;-) Please right click and DL to your computer (or control click on a Mac).

This is one of my new faves from last year. Relient k's whole Christmas record is fantastic, but this is my fave off of it.
Boxing Day by Relient k

I so totally love the eerie, spooky, yet sweet tone of this version of Carol of the Bells. I think this might be my current fave of all my holiday music.
The Carol of the Bells by the Bird and the Bee

I love Eels with all my heart and soul. And who can resist songs about dogs and holidays?
Christmas is Going to the Dogs by Eels

Another band I love is Rogue Wave, and I guess I shouldn't have been surprised they would do a Christmas song, but I was, pleasantly so.
Christmas by Rogue Wave

I know these are often on the melancholy side, and I would say that my ginormous Christmas playlist right now is heavily favoring either ironic or depresso holiday music. It does kind of reflect my feelings lately, but let's face it, depresso or ironic/sarcastic holiday songs are often the best.
Fake Christmas by the Toms

Don't have enough surf-style guitars in your holiday collection? Try this on for size.
Four Kings by the Blue Hawaiians

Every year for just... yonks I've been trying to get a digital copy of this song, possibly my favorite of my oldies. I've had friends scour the torrents, I've been relentless in trying to find it. And every year I was disappointed. Just for the hell of it, I went back to iTunes again this year, expecting more disappointment, and was stunned to find it there. I love Jim Croce's command of the acoustic guitar, his world-weary voice. And the melancholy in the song, too.
It Doesn't Have To Be That Way by Jim Croce

Probably my favorite among the songs I picked up this year, so sexy and cool.
Mistletoe by Colbie Caillat

God, I love the purity of Emmy Rossum's voice, singing what's probably my favorite carol-type song.
O Holy Night by Emmy Rossum

A great lost classic from the '80s.
One Christmas Catalogue by Capt. Sensible

If you watch NBC much at all, you may have seen the promo for the Christmas ep of ER. This is the beautiful a cappella piece they used.
Silent Night by Priscilla Ahn

Lovely duet, pretty song.
Winter Song by Sara Bareilles and Ingrid Michaelson


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