Pressure cooker! Help me?

Jun 24, 2008 15:16

I finished my VVC Premieres vid finally today. I think it looks awful but what can you do. I've never worked this far up against the deadline, which is Friday night, and I always like to give myself lots of room. That was not in the cards this year, between the job changes and getting a new computer and needing to get Final Cut Pro in order to vid and then another hard drive getting killed so I couldn't just use the old computer and FC Express. Gah.

At least Jack and Ianto are pretty and that makes it somewhat easier to deal with. Jack is so, so pretty. OTOH, I really envy Gwen's actress, getting to play all that hot UST with him. Yum.

Anyhow. I am once again in the position of begging my flist for help. Would anyone out there have some time to help me figure out how to export the file and demux it? I have never been able to get the demuxing thing to work before, due to compatibility issues, but supposedly with Pro I can. However, the manual is oriented toward the professional editor, and doesn't really provide the info I need in a way I can understand this and how it relates to what I need to do for VVC. And there are not only beeellions more choices about encoding than my old FCE 2.3 had, the interfaces are quite different (bigendian and littleendian whatnow?), and I am utterly lost and starting to get that sinking frustrated feeling where I'm going to cry because I am so hopelessly stupid. I'm using FCP HD, and which I guess is FCP 6? I understood it that I was meant to save the video file as MPEG 2, but I don't even see that as an option.

God, why did you make me want to be a vidder and yet make me so technologically inept?

If you can help me, I could meet you in chat or call you, if you might have time, and then I would offer you my first-born child in appreciation. Not that that's much of an offer, I realize. I also will buy you lots of drinks at the con if you're going.

torchwood is cracklove, vids

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