Wow, I kind of forgot what it was like

Jun 11, 2006 19:10

As much as I squee over Don on Numb3rs or Max Martini's sexy characters on both Numb3rs and The Unit, I haven't had that insane, squeeful, maniacal glee in anything since I think before my sister got sick. I still passionately love the things I love, but nothing has made me feel that heart-racing, in my head all the time, OMG I must write or vid this NOW feeling. I'm sure most people passed right over my post on Friday about Steve and Kayla returning to Days of Our Lives because most people sneer at soaps, and anyway, if they watched soaps, they were probably fans of either other soap couples or other shows, and S/K were never really as huge as a lot of the other power couples, even on Days.

But man, finding out that Steve was coming back and seeing people making icons and whatnot just brought back such a huge surge of fannish feelings for me I can't believe it. This is the first time I've felt this squeeful and gleeful since I can't even remember. When I got that little tantalizing glimpse of Steve at last at the end of Friday's episode, I just about died. I was screeching and jumping up and down, and it's probably a good thing Emma had gone walkabout (the little minx disappeared and was gone for 10 and a half hours, scaring the bejesus out of me) because I would have terrified her.

I got home late yesterday from being gone all day up to Bellingham to watch mlyn graduate from college (sniff! They grow up so fast!) and spend time with her excellent family (who included me in dinner at the Oyster Bar on Chuckanut Drive -- Northwesties, take note, this place is incredible and you should totally take the drive to have dinner there). I didn't log in to email till this morning, and there was a mail from paraviondeux with a web site URL of someone who had actually had the foresight to save all the Steve and Kayla moments, edited to focus on them, on tape and she's selling them and oh my god, I am so happy. Not only am I going to get everything, I can so totally see the kingiest of lord king bad vids coming out of this, because I don't even need to access my inner 12-year-old since she's already RIGHT HERE and is squeeing like a baby.

I mean, I had totally forgotten the cheesy wonder of all this. Finding out that rich Jack Devereaux was Steve's long lost brother! And then Jack falling for Kayla and marryng her and raping her, and then her being imprisoned in the Devereauxs' house and being poisoned and Steve rescuing her and carrying her away, down the stairs, JUST LIKE INGRID BERGMAN AND CARY GRANT in Notorious!!! I can hardly contain my excitement at the possibility of seeing this again. Or when Kayla was injured and she was deaf and mute, and Steve learned sign language, and they finally got married, and she was able to speak again AT THE WEDDING!! Really, truly, it does not get any better than that, people! Except, wait, there's more! There's the dream/fantasy dance to Lady in Red (big hit at the time). There's him getting ready to go on a first date with her, but he knows he's just an evil thug and not worthy of her, so at her door, he drops the flowers he brought her and leaves! Because he's not good enough! But she loves him and he doesn't know it! There are the dream sequences where he always has both eyes so you get to see him without his eyepatch. There's the fact that -- OMG, the cheese of '80s soaps does not get any better than this -- The Rose was their song! And he learned it in sign language so he could recite the lines to her!!!

I swoon with cheese-induced love. I had totally forgotten what it was like to feel this excited by anything. I never would have expected it to be nearly 20-year-old soap characters, but I'm okay with this. They're coming back, I'm filled with fannish squee, I have a TiVo (though, alas, I cannot dump these down to dvd because my hookup won't seem to let me record anything off the TiVo and I keep forgetting to get feochadn down here to help me figure it out -- are soaps on the torrent sites these days, or are they too frequent and cheesetastic to be torrented?), and Steve and Kayla are back.

Fandom, man. It's a good thing. I fear I will perish of squee and the cheesetasticness of it all, but if I was lucky and there was an afterlife and I was able to see my twin again, and she asked me, "What happened?" I would be able to tell her, "Well, Steve and Kayla came back to Days, and I found someone who had all the original eps on tape, and that was that. My heart gave out from happiness." And she would totally, totally understand.

so are the days of our lives

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