Here is the new Magnficent Seven vid from Escapade. It's 19.9 MB (I suppose we might as well not split hairs, and say 20) in QT, as usual. I just don't have the patience or time or energy to try to figure out some jazzy new cool supposedly superior codec that never looks much different to me than anything else, and if you have trouble with QT and want to bitch at me about it, just use the link to VLC on the same page as the vid is linked from -- VLC seems to play just about anything, and has a version for almost any newer OS and platform. It's the bomb.
In a Big Country by Big Country. Vin and Chris and the rest of the boys, in the landscape that surrounds them.
As always, it's yours also on shiny free DVD for a postage paid self addressed envelope. Details are on the vids page.