I don't like the feeling that everybody knows something I don't know. I don't like the feeling of everybody else grinning like madmen while I'm left in a frown. I don't like the feeling that I'm something indistinguishable making them see through me, or worse. That I'm something unwanted, making them ignore me.
-nod- That's it. I feel like I've been left out of this exclusive `club` that I didn't think I wanted admission too, but it's hard to adopt that attitude when you're standing in the metaphorical corner of the party room.
You better believe it. We are going to kick the emo-ness, and we are going to be perfectly satisfied with ourselves and just ourselves. And, in the meantime we're going to table dance. Because I like to table dance but not alone. GAGKYAYPWMOP, definitely.
[[i don't know, but it's great. don't apologize, you tard. GAGKYAYPWMOP, how do you win so much?]]
for that you get my "hey, I'm humming 'sexual healing'" icon.
((::gasp:: It does sound very smith-ish. WE MUST SEND IT TO WILL AND LET HIM DEDICATE HIS NEW TOP HIT TO KATH AND MIA. this is vital. my life's purpose.))
::completely indescretely screams for you to look at the new keywords::
((for some reason, everytime somebody types 'babeh' it gives me the sensation of biting into a york perppermint patty it makes me laugh out loud and expose myself for the loon I really am))
[[ew am i not making sense again? rats. i meant her being single. oops. -buys a brain-]]
((no, I was talking about what a fruit I am. What the hellfook am I talking about?))
[[i don't know, but it's great. don't apologize, you tard. GAGKYAYPWMOP, how do you win so much?]]
((what's really fun is if you try to say it out loud. Go ahead. GAGKYAYPWMOP. It's hot like liquid magma.))
[[rofl ahaha you can like get jiggy to it. HAHA -takes out her will smith cd- i'm so strange.]]
((::gasp:: It does sound very smith-ish. WE MUST SEND IT TO WILL AND LET HIM DEDICATE HIS NEW TOP HIT TO KATH AND MIA. this is vital. my life's purpose.))
[[YOU'RE RIGHT. OOO we could be the backup singers like in `Miami` and `Men in Black`? Record deals, babeh.]]
((for some reason, everytime somebody types 'babeh' it gives me the sensation of biting into a york perppermint patty it makes me laugh out loud and expose myself for the loon I really am))
[[-dead- I love saying it a lot and it's kind of frightening. I use it whenever I can. Eheh. babeh]]
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