Presenting Gwyn

Jun 07, 2006 21:18

Name / LJ Username: Ashley/defectblond
HiH House: Slytherin
Contact Info (AIM, MSN, email address):
AIM: xlackadaisicalx/Email:

Character Information
Name / LJ Username (if available): Gwyn Llewellyn
House: Slytherin
Age / Birthdate: 14, March 12 1991
Year: Fourth
Subject: N/A
Location: Hogwarts
Bloodline / Heritage: Pureblood/Welsh.

Personal History:
Now let me explain. Gwyn is Trefor’s sister, but neither of them know that she was adopted. Gwyn was put up for adoption as a baby and her parents who were unable to have any more children adopted her. They thought it was in her and her brother’s best interests to not tell them. I would like to offer up their parents to disappear in a couple of weeks, and at that point Gwyn will find out.

As for her birth parents Gwyn won’t find anything out other then their names, Emeric and Morgaine McNamara, and that they were pureblood. She’ll try and find out more on her own.

Adopted by Siorus and Aerona Llewellyn. She has one other sibling Trefor who is five years older then her. Gwyn had an extremely bad case of asthma as a child. Her parents did not want to resort to magic to cure her, so they just decided to let her out grow it. However every time she tried to go outside she would have horrible attacks. Therefore most of her childhood was spent inside in the care of her older brother. She didn’t have many friends so she focused on reading and learning as much as she could. By the time her brother went to Hogwarts Gwyn had out grown the asthma but her parents were still over protective. When she was accepted into Hogwarts she was extremely happy to get out from under her parents control.

Personality: Gwyn lacks most of the social niceties children learn from being social. She’s really only interested in what’s good for her. She makes friends easily, but chooses those who will benefit what she wants. She has no problem being cruel because she doesn’t understand how easily people’s feelings can be hurt. Easily angered she doesn’t let go of things, and tends to seek revenge. She is extremely competitive and strives to be the best at everything. She hides her weaknesses and is terrified someone will think less of her. Image is everything to her.

Gwyn loves her brother, but secretly hates him for being so perfect. She thinks she will never live up to him, and feels trapped in the shadow of his ‘greatness’. She hates her parents for ruining her childhood and for giving her brother more attention.

Physical Description: shoulder length dark blond hair hair. Tall and skinny in a young girl sort of way. Pretty but not amazingly beautiful.

Preferred Body Model: Evan Rachel Wood

Hobbies and talents - max of five:
1. Gwyn is a vivacious reader.
2. Achievement. Gwyn doesn’t take no for an answer and she does not accept anything but the highest marks in school.

Weaknesses - for every hobby or talent, the character must have two
1. Animals. Anything that’s big and furry scares the crap out of her. Her mum tells her it’s because she was attacked by a dog when she was little. Gwyn doesn’t remember.
2. Public speaking. She’s known to pass out. Embarassing. So of course she’ll hex anyone that mentions it.
3. Terrified of heights. Gwyn fell out of a tree once while having an asthma attack and broke her arm. She’s been wary of heights ever since.
4. Flying. She's terrified of heights.

Best subjects - max of three: Potions, History of Magic, Divination
Worst subjects - no max: Care of Magical Creatures, Herbology, Muggle Studies
Broom (if applicable): Comet 260
Wand: 9", Oak, Unicorn

List of classes for current year:

Ancient Runes
Care of Magical Creatures
Muggle Studies
Defense Against the Dark Arts
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