Title: Rocky Mountain Search and Rescue
Author: gwylliondream
Genre: AU
Pairing: Alma/Ennis, Ennis/Jack
Rating: NC-17
Words: 60K in 16 chapters
Warnings: Major character death (not Ennis or Jack), child abuse, religious persecution, homophobia, under-aged non-consensual kissing and groping, indecent exposure, attempted rape, unreliable narrator.
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Comments 38
It’s almost impossible to clearly state my feeings about this story…even though I beta’d it, I was surprised that it made a much greater impact when I read it as it posted week after week.
Of all the chapters, even though it includes the death of someone I came to see as sad and pathetic, this is my favorite, in terms of the writing itself. As for Alma...
I’ve turned a 180 on her...previously, I’d lose patience, want to shake her and say “Wake up! Do something with your life! Don’t depend on a man to make you whole, turn to yourself!”
But now I see that she was doing the best she could, and I believe her trip down the one-way, dead-end (so to speak) street was caused by her complete and total isolation. Simply put, she had no one. Even though she could get through, however narrowly, a day, a conversation, her daily tasks, I believe that her mental capacity was stunted and dulled.
Ok, now the parts I loved about this chapter...
...and then you had fellas like Ennis who kept ( ... )
Yes, Jack and Ennis are together at the end of the story, but will readers feel pleased with that? Or will Alma's sad past make them think more about what was going on in the minds of the female characters who we push aside in favor of slash?
Thanks for all your help!
Now I'm hoping for a sequel with Jack and Ennis' life:D
Thanks so much for reading!
I'm going to hold my breath until you do...
It's been wonderful to read your heartfelt comments and to have you with me on this journey in fiction. I hope you have a wonderful summer!
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