Title: Return to Skyfall
Author: gwyllion
Genre: Canon era
Pairing: 00Q
Rating: PG
Words: 100
Warning: None
A/N: Return to Skyfall was written for the 007 Fest of 2019’s Fluff Prompt Table, using the prompt: Breezes.
Disclaimer: I did not create these characters. No disrespect intended. No profit desired, only muses.
Comments: Comments are welcome anytime, thanks so much for reading!
Bond inhales.
He remembers the breezes that swept across the moors during his youth.
Now they only remind him of death.
The wind carries the scent of peat and damp dead heather.
Dead landscape.
Dead parents.
Dead M.
He hadn’t thought about revisiting the old place after M died there. But Q insisted.
Like a favourite childhood toy, memories of Skyfall lay buried beneath the surface of everything Bond does. Memories wait to be awoken by the rush of the wind and a warm breath in his ear.
Q’s fingers touch his cheek. “I’ll put the kettle on,” he says.