Nov 15, 2009 00:57
Some recent events had got me thinking about the gullibility of humankind. I mean, we have come a long way, evolutionary wise, but it seems the more we go forward, the more we go backwards.
Take for instance, this past weeks event; "hurricane" Ida. As far as the Panhandle of Florida was affected by it, that was not a hurricane, or a storm, unless you go by the Puertorican term of "Tormenta platanera" (plantain storm) which means, that the only things affected will be plantain (banana) trees, because they get their leaves shreded. The Weather Channel was predicting doom and gloom for us, toranadoes, damaging winds, erosion; ecological disaster... Well, I was at work when it "hit" we had an annoying drizzle for 2 days, slight breeze that shook the dead leaves and needles off the trees, and seriously, we kept going outside to make sure we were experiencing this weather catastrophe they were talking about, but we were seriously dissapointed.
Then Thursday night, they were talking about an "Atlantic Assault", more gloom and doom for the northeastern seaboard... Good grief, it's called a Nor'easter! and it happens every frigging fall!
Seems to me that since NBC bought out TWC they are trying to make much ado about nothing, their credibility has sunk real low with me.
Another thing that really got to me; a person was asking me about ghosts and stuff of that that goes bump in the night. She has been hearing running footsteps in her roof, not only her, but her kids, and husband, and even a neighbor (oh noes! we must have a shapeshifter, poltergrist, or some other evil entity!)
AND, they have gone outside and checked and there is nobody on their roof, and this happens at night. (yep, yep, proof positive it's a spirit).
So I suggested they call an exterminator, I mean, really, it's that time of the year when peSts try and move in warmer quarters, ya know? You just MIGHT have squirrels or roof rats in the space between the ceiling and the roof? (Not to mention bats in the belfry).
I don't mean to belittle anyone's paranormal experience, I have had a few myself, but I'm a born skeptic too, and I try to use the brain I got and check the facts. Don't jump to the most impossible conclusion from the get go.
Then this guy that works with me, complaining about "chest pains", upon further inquiry it's on the left side, ribs and shoulder. So I tell him "Dude, you don't have chest pains, you have a strained muscle, get you some tylenol, ben gay ( or any other ointment of your preference) and a heat pad, you'll be ok". "no, no, I might be having a heart attack"
So off he went to the ER, missed 2 days of work... diagnosis? strained muscle, muscle relaxer, ointment + heat pad= $200.00 bill
"Dude, I TOLD you what to do for free, next time I'll charge you for it"
Seriously, sometimes the continuation of our species seems more like an accident than a plan.
I admit, I might be more sarcastic/skeptic than your average person, but some things are self evident.
Last thing
Good movie, great special effects, go see it.
Keep in mind, however, it's a MOVIE. Mayans didn't forsee gloom and doom for 2012. Their calendar ends that year, just like our calendar ends Dec 31, 2009. The main difference is that they made a calendar that was a couple of millenia big, they probably made yearly ones with pictures of alpacas and guanacos for the yearly use of the peoples. They didn't get working on the next one because of a certain inconvenience called the arrival of the Conquistadores. What I'm saying is; don't read more into it than there is. Nothing special here, move along.
Ok, done with the rant of the week.
Love ya all!