go green and such bulshit

Apr 25, 2009 07:51

Ok, ok, Earth Day came and went, so this is late. But, in my defense I have been sucked into the overtime hole at work (even thou THEY said they were going to cut our O.T.) with even a bonus 6th day of work and the 7 hours of O.T. I got from it.

Can somebody please inject an iota of sense to the idiots that run the Environmentalist movement? I mean, really. The whole concept of "if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem" concept is so riddled with holes it aint funny. What the Hell she means, You say?

"you need to get one of the environmentaly friendly hybrid cars"-nevermind my truck works perfectly well, what is going to happen to it? I'll tell you what, they'll sell it to some other person and the "problem" didn't get solved, but I got me in a puny tiny car that costs as much as my house cost and offers zero protection in case of a close encounter of the worst kind with a deer. No thanks, I'll pass on that one...

"organic" clothes- puhleze!! Hemp, bamboo, soy...nevermind that cotton has been around for thousands of years and last I checked is a 100% renewable resource. Same thing as above, you replace your wardrobe with this "hippy/feel good" crap and send your old stuff to the landfill or the Salvation Army....exactly WHAT was accomplished?

"Global warming/climate change" or whatever new label they want to affix to that- ok, in case you missed out on natural history class, biology and the like, good ole Mother Earth is pretty old, no really. She don't need us puny humans to "save her". I mean, asteroids, mega volcanoes, massive eartquakes, she has taken it all, and just kept on happily spining away. Nevermind that the fossil evidence points to the fact that there used to be rain forest all the way to Canada. In the time of the dinosaurs this planet was a veritable tropical paradise. So why is everyone running around like a headless chicken screaming gloom and doom, when all that is happening is going to happen regardless of what we do or not. BUT THE ICE CAPS WILL MELT. THE POLAR BEARS WILL GO EXTINCT! So the white color phase of the brown bear will dissapear in large numbers, ok. Some genes will be saved, they will resurface later, they will be rarer, like the white tiger and the white lion, get over it. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grizzly-polar_bear_hybrid), Now , the article calls it a hybrid, but hybrids are sterile, these animals are not, in my mind they are two branches of a family.
Then we have all the Tofu eating vegans (because cows are SO bad for the environment)- back to school with the lot of you! Did you miss out on the part of american history, you know, the megaherds of bison that used to roam the plains? Or did you not understand that we have the size of brain we have because we eat meat? Oh, I'm sorry, you don't... So here, have a link and see the part you didn't know (http://www.organicconsumers.org/corp/soy121903.cfm), yeah, all hail soy!

"Let's get weaned off oil, we can use biofuels." Yeah, in case you didn't know, biofuels are made of crops used to feed ourselves. Do you have any idea what THAT is doing to food prices? You missed out on my news of plant closures, didnt you? But here, have this link instead;(http://www.cnn.com/2008/TECH/science/04/22/food.biofuels/?iref=mpstoryview)- check that out, biofuels are killing people.

Chemicals (toxic or not)- look there are a bunch of reasons why I avoid toxic chemicals on my yard, NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THEM HAS ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE ENVIRONMENT, it has to do with my pets frolicking in the yard. Now, I LOVE my miracle go -eep! but you can use organics!- suure, but the baskets I buy preplanted need a boost, and it's not like I can pull out bushes to amend their soil, besides, there is just so much chicken shit and cow shit, err, I mean, manure, that I can haul around before my back gives out. As far as toxics go, you all know I break out the "weapons of mass destruction" anytime a fireant declares war on me, it aint pretty and I intend to see many casualties when I do so. And chemical weed killers also save my back from pulling and digging.

Conserving water-this one is absolutely laughable. There is a water cycle, it is independent of us. Here be your linkage, go educamate yourself! (http://ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycle.html)

Buying stuff made from recycled materials- look, I tried it, not because it's the "right" thing to do, it seemed cheaper. I bought some nice-looking flower pots that were reasonably priced and proudly displayed the "made from 100% recycled materials". Guess what? three weeks later the danged things split in two when the weather turned nice and I put them outside in the grass to give the plants within a good long drink with the water hose. Obviously it couldnt handle the water weight. Piece of shit product.... and I am NOT buying toilet paper from recycled paper products either, that stuff is like cardboard, 'nuff said.
Now, if they changed the title of this whole movement to "save ourselves" it would get more attention for those of us not worried about the planet. Let's try some slogans, shall we?

- "Clean air-cuz we need to breathe"
- "Don't litter the beach"- cut=bleeding - saltwater=sharks -see the connection?

Let's face it, we are egotistical in nature, if there something to be gained, we are in. Otherwise, it's hard to be interested. Add coments/slogans. This could be fun.

earthday crap

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