Apr 11, 2009 01:10
Some years ago I was trying to grow garlic in my garden, I tried and tried but the darned plants just fizzled and died after sprouting. Took me a couple of years before I just gave up on it.
Years later (2001) I had a strange weed pop up out of nowhere and uninvited in the middle of the back lawn. I had been weedeatin' so I started clearing around it and I hit ( by mistake) a bent over leaf of the strange invader....oh yeah! The unmistakeable scent of garlic! I left the invader in place, undisturbed and by the following year it was quite the clump, so I dug around it and removed the whole clump with the ball of dirt around it and placed in the only available space; a spot in my flower bed. By 2003 I was harvesting the strong garlic and giving to some friends. I have always had some chickens running amok in the yard and we all know chickens are prone to digging, so they spread out the garlic and soon enough my garlic threatened to take over, not only the flower bed, but the whole yard (darned hens!). So I have been digging out the strays in the lawn and potting them, harvesting like crazy and giving to my co-workers, still got garlic coming out my wazoo, but I love the stuff, so I dont see a problem (except for mowing around it). So, did I learn my lesson? HELL NO! Last week as I was driving by Boo Boo's road (check out Notes from the road - June 7th, 2008 post) I noticed wild onions (walking onions) growing all over the sides....
So what did I do? Stop the truck, of course, and dug out a clump using my knife I keep in the truck. Ok, so this very smelly clump of onions is (for now) restrained in an old wash basin that has a second life as a planter right next to my garlic chives.....
Some years from now I will be ranting of how the wild garlic and the wild onion have taken over my yard, but hey, they can handle everything Mother Nature throws at them, they don't need babying and they have a very strong flavor. Yes people, forgive me, but I think Vidalia and Walla-Walla onions are for wimps. I was raised on the strong spanish yellow onion (the one that makes you cry just by THINKING of slicing it), so I'm game for the wild counterparts.
ok, so I'm an "allium" fiend, not only do I have the aforementioned wild thangs, I also have the garlic chives, regular chives, leeks and green onions going in pots (trust me on this, I have weird,gourmet squirrels). Me? like things "oniony"? Nah!
This year I also plan on having as many different varieties of peppers as a I can.
Going to grow chile pequin, a purple one, some sort of sweet pepper I saved seeds on and my own sweet "aji" from Puerto Rico. Needles to say, pequin and the purple are going to the other side of the house, I don't want the hot ones mingling with the sweet ones.
Also got potatos going (you know, the ones in the veggie basket that withered and started sprouting?- they are about 8 inches tall, and looking good in the veggie bed I made this year), also squished the seeds of some cherry tomatoes that were forgotten in the back of the fridge...amazingly they sprouted, let's see what happens now.
Going to plant some gandules (pigeon peas) tomorrow, first try, hope they do well.
Finally got some strawberries from my plants(3!), can't believe I beat the mockingbirds to them, unfortunately I don't see any flowers that set fruit on my blueberry. Guess I'm out of luck in that department.
My spring bulbs are done for the most part, except for some daffodils I bought this year (bulbs) and I got ripped off by walmart; they were supposed to be pink, they are yellow....well, actually, not walmart, but the company that packaged and sold them to walmart...
Can't hardly wait to see the gladiolas I planted bloom, I already had pink, so I bought purple and white with red streaks, should be pretty, lest I got ripped off again...
I went this afternoon to the chineese restaurant to pick up some dinner and found out we had a shooting in town, in the local College. Details are sketchy, I'll report as I find out myself.
Alright, this is Enid, over and out!