Aug 21, 2005 02:47
I forgot how bad the day after my birthday tends to be. I was given quite the reminder today. First, I got a really crappy night's sleep and woke up far too early. Then I went to get a haircut and the place had just closed. Got to work early, and right before I came on shift, nearly every customer left. I got out my cell phone to call some of my friends and customers to tell them to come down to the bar and drink so that I'd at least pull a semi-decent day, and the first two people I called couldn't come down. Then on the third call, I managed to drop my phone in the sink. There went my phone list and the ability to call anyone else. I had almost no customers the rest of the day, and just as I was thinking happy thoughts about this, because then I'd at least be able to make Adrianne's big party, It starts to get packed, so no leaving early, and they're all notoriously bad tippers, so I didn't even make much money, which means I can't pay my mom back as much as I wanted to this month, unless tomorrow morning is absolutely BRILLIANT, which, if last week was any indication, it won't be. (yet another thing to look forward to, I have to be at work at 9:30am tomorrow.) And since my phone dead, I have no alarm for tomorrow morning, So I got out my old alarm, and it won't let me set the alarm, so at this point, it's either set for 7am or pm, I'm not sure which. (knowing my luck, it's pm, and I'll end up late to work tomorrow.) The one cute girl that was there tonight, that I thought was actually checking me out, was actually interested in my coworker. Good for him, though. I just hope that this is the end of the negative slope, and that it'll start heading back up soon. I'm really frustrated with myself because right now the only positive point I see in myself is that I'm smart enough to realize what a worthless slob I am. Too bad I'm also to lazy to actually do anything about it. I just keep getting sucked into being comfortable, cause at this point, that's all I feel I've got. Okay, done venting. Hope everyone's day was better than mine.
P.S. I know this sounds like a plea for sympathy, but it's not, so please, no messages of sympathy, flattery, or encouragement, because they always sound so hollow after it sounds like I'm asking for them.