So it's been a few days, and it's all still going quite well. We've been hanging out every night. We watched 300, we quested together in WoW, he's met my friends, every time I see him it gets a little better. I'm going to turn into one of those people who doesn't shut-up about their S.O.
I did find out that truffles make an excellent reward for levelling in WoW, and I rolled my first-ever Shaman. This is a major thing, as I've always hated the class and felt it unbalanced and that people who played Shammies were assholes and uppity pricks. Then I realized that I'm kind of an asshole and an uppity prick, and since I now have a BF who's a rugged mountain god, I figured since Hell had apparently frozen over already, why not roll a shaman?
I got tagged for a meme by
ashenbard but I've been playing "5 Things" so much for the last couple days that I need some time to come up with 5 random facts/quirks. :)
That, and I'm sick today. Stupid crazy climates.