
Jul 01, 2009 17:39

Well, I guess I have no problem with committing in general, but with commitment towards the things I do love and want.

I want to commit completely to my Self, my Joy and the things I love, but am afraid of the consequences this might have. The things I love, the life I do want to live are not at all conform with the value system of the society I live in. I am afraid of not having enough money, because you aren't paid for doing spiritual studies or working on your Self-possession. I am worried that my art and writings wouldn't be valued by anyone or my Passion for creating them would leave me in the moment I depend on it. I do not trust at all in the continuous flow of my Passion.

I chose to commit to my studies at university, to finding a "true" job afterwards and living my visions somewhere in the future. Besides the distrust towards my talents and worries about my financial security I have the feeling that these commitments are sucking away the life force I would love to invest in my art and writings. Though maybe this is just an excuse for not committing to my Self. Maybe this feeling would change, if I get rid of my insecurities and decide to make space for my creativity nevertheless?


trigger, self

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