(no subject)

Apr 14, 2017 13:16

* "Beslan school siege: Russia 'failed' in 2004 massacre:" http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-39586814

* "18 Syrian Fighters Allied With U.S. Are Killed in Coalition Airstrike:" https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/13/world/middleeast/syrian-fighters-airstrike-american-military.html?_r=0

* "US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan:" http://www.cnn.com/2017/04/13/politics/afghanistan-isis-moab-bomb/

* "British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia:" https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2017/apr/13/british-spies-first-to-spot-trump-team-links-russia

* "British intel agency reported Trump campaign Russia ties: Report:"

* 45 is holding the Health Care System hostage for Tax Cuts for the 2%. 45 hates working Americans so much, his current plan is to bankrupt hospitals and collapse the entire American health care system by cutting off all government health care payments until Trumpcare passes and 24 million people lose their insurance to pay for the tax cut for the richest 2% he is demanding.

Seriously folks. Congress is on recess. Not only are there the Saturday tax day protests all over, but now is an excellent time to turn up at town halls and Congress Critter's district offices, and/or call to insist health care should be a right. Do not forget to thank Congress critters who are displaying back bone on this topic as we know how apt their spines are to jellify if we don't keep on them.

* "Trump privately signs anti-Planned Parenthood law:" http://www.cnn.com/2017/04/13/politics/donald-trump-planned-parenthood-money/

* "After Campaign Exit, Manafort Borrowed From Businesses With Trump Ties:" https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/12/us/politics/paul-manafort-donald-trump.html

* "Oppressor Kenneth Adkins Found Guilty Of Eight Child Molestation Counts:" http://transgriot.blogspot.com/2017/04/oppressor-kenneth-adkins-found-guilty.html

* "Rep. Lewis to Dems: 'Keep the faith':"

* "Sanders: Dems win if we mobilize & educate:"

* "ICE targets mother with no criminal record for deportation:"

* "Arkansas plans blitz of eight prisoner executions over ten days:"

* "Portland to sue Trump administration:"http://www.oregonlive.com/politics/index.ssf/2017/04/portland_to_sue_trump_administ.html

* "What’s at Stake in Trump’s Proposed E.P.A. Cuts:" https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/10/climate/trump-epa-budget-cuts.html

* "First Judge Killed in Chicago History by Gun Violence He Fought" http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2017/04/10/first-judge-killed-in-chicago-history-by-gun-violence-he-fought.html

* Please signal boost latest out of Chechnya: http://butlerbookbinding.tumblr.com/post/159562062074/news-about-chechnya-0413

* "20 years to save the planet, carbon emission experts warn:" http://www.independent.co.uk/environment/world-zero-carbon-emissions-before-2040-two-decades-climate-change-global-warming-greenhouse-gases-a7682001.html

* Rest In Peace Charlie Murphy.

* ...And the foot thing is postponed til nearly the end of the month. It is nobody's fault. A family emergency on the part of my doctor requiring travel. I really wanted to get it over with and the reschedule doesn't give me the weekend to recover, but family absolutely does come first and it's better she go. I managed to resprain the ankle I mildly sprained... whichever day it was I scored the starts. It's bad enough I'm using the crutch around the houe and it's not the ankle attached to the foot I cut open, which means I'd likely have had to get the wheel chair out if they had been cutting my foot open in a few hours. It is very annoying that my ankles sprain themselves when I'm just shuffling around, but it's an ex athlete thing. That decade I spent distance running over rough terrain and concrete and endlessly injuring them when I was young, coming back to haunt me. I don't have a lot of cartilage and they are fragile. I'm lucky I never hurt myself dancing. That's a good way to take out a knee, for example. I knew athletes who started knees surgeries in high school. The running destroyed my ankles and the AS is gnawing my spine and hip joints, but my knees are doing pretty well given the pounding I gave them with the running and dancing and Wing Chun.

* National Poetry Month:

"Loreena McKennitt- The Highwayman by Alfred Noyes:" http://gwydionmisha.tumblr.com/post/159545273428/loreena-mckennitt-the-highwayman-by-alfred

TW: Mental Illness. "For John, Who Begs Me Not To Inquire Further by Anne Sexton:" http://gwydionmisha.tumblr.com/post/159546997589/for-john-who-begs-me-not-to-enquire-further-by

* I don't normally post dragon cave here, but I just had five eggs die, and I'd like these to live, so please click:

* TOS Rewatch, Season 1:

- "Devil in the Dark:" This one starts pretty well, actually. The set is above average, they quickly establish the terror of the miners and create suspense. The first death is before the credits. It's so weird when ToS is actually competently executed. Of course, it's an all human sausagefest in the mines because in the Federation only men mine as was established in the first Harvey Mudd episode, and ToS is extremely human centric even by later star Trek standards. I don't know how to feel about Kirk and Spock exchanging positions on the Horta. Nimoy's performance really is haunting. There is a reason this one is on most favorite episodes list, because this one really does work as an entertainment and a message.

- "Errand of Mercy:" A cold war episode. Prime Directive? What Prime Directive. Let's go introduce ourselves to a Medieval tech planet and damn the consequences. Yes, I know there is more going on than meets the eye, but the Feds and the Klingons don't know that. When the locals point out they are not really being given a choice they aren't wrong. For all the pretty talk from the Feds they are colonizers here, just politer ones than the Klingons. They consider themselves in a position to judge whether this culture is worthy. Kirk's fury at pacifism and his foolishness in somehow not being aware that bugs and hidden cameras are a thing even though that's old tech when these shows were made and I doubt the Federation has completely lost the skill to make and use surveillance tech. Why even would you send Kirk on this mission given how completely incapable of impulse control he is and how he doesn't do any diplomacy that doesn't involve sticking his Dick in something. I do get that they are poking at the idea of how similar or different Feds and Klingons are but it's just slow and clunky, especially compared to the much easier to watch horta episode right before it.

* TNG Rewatch, Season 6:


* April 30 2017, 2pm
April 14 2017, 6pm
May 1 2017, 10am
June 1 2017, 12pm

* Full list of Resistance and charity links has been migrated to my profile as it was getting out of hand.

* Help pay for cat food, litter, meds, medical copays: Paypal Lethran@gmail.com

* Want Game of Thrones without the creepy? We desperately need new players. We are very inclusive. "Game of Bones MUSH:" gobmush.wikidot.com

This entry was originally posted at http://gwydion.dreamwidth.org/1886955.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

war on women, foreign policy, quiltbag, asia, russia, death penalty, immigration, pedophilia, transphobia, middle east, war, health, choice, poetry, europe, environment, pollution, rip, murder, corruption

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