(no subject)

Dec 09, 2016 21:50

* "How To Help Indonesia Earthquake Victims: Guide On Donating Money Or Blood After Aceh Province Disaster:" http://www.ibtimes.com/how-help-indonesia-earthquake-victims-guide-donating-money-or-blood-after-aceh-2456400

* "What happened to China's arrested rights lawyers?:" http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-38250590

* "Fake US Embassy shut down after ten years in business:"

* "Lobbyists boast of manipulating Trump:"

* "Sanders: Trump is a 'pathological liar':"

* "Trump intends to keep a stake in his company:"

* "$500 billion opportunity for Exxon, Russia in Trump cabinet pick:"

* "Trump to pick EPA antagonist to lead EPA:"

* "Will Trump put eccentricity over expertise in choice for FDA?:"

* "Past physical abuse accusation haunts Trump labor pick:"

* "Poll shows Trump voter gap with facts, rest of Americans' views:"

* "100 days to save the Republic:" http://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2016/11/17/13626514/trump-systemic-corruption

* On the Comet Ping-Pong Attack: http://seananmcguire.tumblr.com/post/154220918230/obscuritory-im-not-in-the-mood-to-post-today

* "Remembering Normal:" http://blog.bl00cyb.org/2016/12/remembering-normal/

* "Pat McCrory concedes; Roy Cooper next NC governor:" http://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/politics-government/article118942758.html

* "Don't mess with California (they're ready to resist Donald Trump):"

* "Carrier union leader responds to Trump attack:"

* "Fake news breaks through:"

* "Ohio House passes legislation to block raising CLE minimum wage to $15:" http://www.wkyc.com/news/local/cleveland/ohio-house-passes-legislation-to-block-raising-cle-minimum-wage-to-15/365371079

* How to Defend Against Someone Grabbing Your hijab: https://www.facebook.com/zee.abdulla/videos/10210260835014799/

* "State rep endures anti-Muslim harassment on trip to White House:"

* "John Glenn, First US Astronaut to Orbit Earth, Has Died at 95:" https://www.wired.com/2016/12/john-glenn-first-american-orbit-earth-died-95/

* "Big Furry Hat: Make iPhones That Don't Break:"

image Click to view

* "Trump Gears Up to Dismantle the Government:"

* "Trump Fakes a Deal:"

* "Domino's Pizza Hires Delivery Reindeer:"

* "Austria Votes Against Nationalism:"

* "President-Elect Trump Talks to Taiwan:"

* "The Navy Goes Green:"

* "The Mall of America's First Black Santa:"

* "Profiles in Tremendousness - HUD Secretary Nominee Ben Carson:"

* "Jordan Klepper Fingers the Pulse - Trump's "Thank You" Victory Tour:"

* "Donald Trump Already Touched China's Most Sensitive Spot:"

image Click to view

* "Family Meeting With Vice President Joe Biden:"

image Click to view

* "Nothing Makes Trump Happier Than Being Angry:"

image Click to view

* "Sigourney Weaver: We Didn't Vote For Dirty Air And Dirty Water:"

image Click to view

* Yesterday's adventure was long and complicated. I got out of the apartment on schedule and while putting the bags in my trunk I spotted a moving box from Sunday's move. Luckily the eye appointment was right where the box's owner now lives, as in dropping it off would be a three block detour. I went and got my eyes poked as planned and dropped the box off after. (She was luckily home, I almost never go up there since I stopped teaching and it's the far end of town). The directions to the place that sells Medicare covered glasses were an adventure. The assistant did sensibly start drawing a map without me asking. (One of my brain little glitches is that I have trouble translating verbal directions into a map. Show me a physical map and I do really well. Give me a landmark and no more than one or two verbal direction strings and I can generally find it, but I just lose long direction strings because I can't map them quickly onto the visual and kinesthetic schema).

Unfortunately she didn't start by drawing in landmarks I knew except the name of one of the big important streets nearby. She's like, "It's right by the Burger King." Me: I've no idea where the Burger King is. Her: Do you know *Town I've lived in since '98* at all? Me: I don't eat fast food, so I don't generally know where they are. Is this near the Walgreens? Her: No. It's right by the Dennys. Me: I'm a vegetarian. I don't eat there either. Her: *makes a horribly exasperated face and draws in Home Depot* It's over here in a Mall like the one we're in. Me: I know where how Depot is. you mean the strip Mall with the good Thai Restaurant? Her: I don't eat Thai Food. *We stare at each other for several looooong moments* Her: *starts trying to sketch in more landmarks she knows* It's my the military recruiting center. Me: *gives a Gallic shrug worthy of my Dad's best French BFF* Her, now desperate: It's by the Pet ER. Me, wildly relieved: Oh! I know exactly where the Emergency Vet is!

So I dropped off the box and I knew exactly how to get to the glasses place, skipping most of the rush hour traffic. I got the stink eye from one of the recruiters who were leaving for the day. (I was in my Harkness coat, PRIDE buttons prominently displayed, and with my crutch). I was amused because the four of them looked like a perfect, diverse recruiting poster, so perfect that they could be clip art. The glasses people were delightful. I had, of course, forgotten that I can't get cheapy lenses because my eyes are so bad they won't fit them, which means I need to raise the $31.00 for the cheapest level of compressed on top of the hundredish I'm short on bills and will have to let ride. It's important to get the glasses before anyone changes my health plan on me, which happens periodically this time of year without my consent, and I've lost glasses coverage that way before.

Then there was stop and go rush hour traffic, a grocery run, and another attempt to track down my birth day present which my sister sent to two apartments ago. They were home, but they'd sent it back to the post office.

When I got up for the bathroom early in the day, Tavy was very agitated and kept going to look out the bedroom window. Snow! So much snow! I don't think we've had real snow here in half a decade what with global warning completely borking regional weather patterns. I thought we might have entirely lost Winter. While snow is aesthetically pleasing and environmentally important, it means I'm housebound until it melts. Given the noticeable melting by the time I got up for real, it likely won't be that long, which is normal for here. (The mountains protect us and the Sound keeps things warmer than they would otherwise be. That time we had two weeks of snow here in our little bay was also freakish. Normal snow here used to be a few days to a week at a time 1-3 times a Winter with cold-freezing rain in between. The snow in the mountains is absolutely crucial though for things like agriculture, so it's good to see some of that trying to rebuild, even though I doubt this year's normalish weather is anything more than a blip. The environment here is changing. Species migrating north as things heat up. It was good to get a normal year though. I missed normal). Anyway, I did not take a picture as the snow had meltd just enough to be less aesthetic.

Today I discovered one of you kind souls paid for the glasses and bills, so thank you.


* Suicide Crisis numbers: http://gwydionmisha.tumblr.com/post/153016816845/non-us-crisis-line-list

* Victim of a Hate Crime? Report to the police first, but also report here to help the SPLC track incidents: https://www.splcenter.org/reporthate

* Trans Relief Project: http://transrelief.com/

* "Donate to the SPLC:" https://donate.splcenter.org/sslpage.aspx?pid=463

* "A List of Pro-Women, Pro-Immigrant, Pro-Earth, Anti-Bigotry Organizations That Need Your Support:" http://jezebel.com/a-list-of-pro-women-pro-immigrant-pro-earth-anti-big-1788752078?rev=1478710019591&utm_campaign=socialflow_jezebel_facebook&utm_source=jezebel_facebook&utm_medium=socialflow

* General Charities list to help groups being targeted in Trump's America: http://lovingmyselfishard.tumblr.com/post/153111297079/charities-that-may-need-some-love-in-the-upcoming

* Where to donate to help Immigrants: http://colinfirth.tumblr.com/post/152963467726/carecen-la-center-for-community-change

* Ways to protest: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/174f0WBSVNSdcQ5_S6rWPGB3pNCsruyyM_ZRQ6QUhGmo/htmlview?usp=sharing&sle=true#

* More ways to protest "So here’s the deal:" http://the-cimmerians.tumblr.com/post/153516131819/so-heres-the-deal

* "10 ways we can help Standing Rock Indian Reservation.:" http://browngurlwfro.tumblr.com/post/153755459138/dooder-tooder-this-is-a-photo-my-friend-posted

* "List of Standing Rock Resources:" https://laughingacademy.tumblr.com/post/152671392633/list-of-standing-rock-resources

* "How to help Flint, Michigan:" http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/how-help-flint-michigan

* Help pay for cat food, litter, meds, medical copays: Paypal Lethran@gmail.com

* Organizations helping with the refugee crisis: http://captainofalltheships.tumblr.com/post/128790538169/an-updated-list-of-organizations-to-donate-to-help

* Want Game of Thrones without the creepy? We desperately need new players. We are very inclusive. "Game of Bones MUSH:" gobmush.wikidot.com

This entry was originally posted at http://gwydion.dreamwidth.org/655559.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

racism, islamaphobia, domestic violence, help, human rights abuses, climate change, foreign policy, kleptocracy, africa, life, unions, asia, minimum wage, europe, rip

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