(no subject)

Oct 07, 2016 04:35

* This contains video of the murder, though he he dies of his injuries later in his cell. I'm linking it anyway as one can choose whether or not to click the video. "Jail Videos Reveal Black Inmate Died After Assault By Officers:" https://blackmattersus.com/17528-jail-videos-reveal-black-inmate-died-after-assault-by-officers/

* TW: Hate Crimes, Rape. "Gaycation Brazil:" https://www.viceland.com/en_us/video/brazil/56a90e3f59b6e07a13d27d01

* "Did Mike Pence Upstage Trump With His Strong Debate Performance?:"

image Click to view

* "Don’t Paint All Clowns With The Same Giant Brush:"

image Click to view

* "It Takes A Genius Like Donald Trump To Lose A Billion Dollars:"

image Click to view

* Birthday Prezzies came today! A hand knitted 4th Doctor scarf, a ballet I am interested in, The Catherine Biography I am fond of and wanted for my collection, and "The Outlandish Knight: the Byzantine life of Steven Runican." This last looks fascinating and is about a queer historian. The chapters are organized in major arcana. There are lovely art reproduction postcards all through. I will need do go over everything properly later, but it is all delightful!

* "Gandalf Leads the Way on a Journey in the Dark:" http://www.fandomfollowing.com/gandalf-fellowship-journey-dark/

* Seeing Brent Spiner and Patrick Stewart together in scene in Blunt Talk makes me happy.

* I keep thinking of Benjen Stark alternately as "Shrodinger's Benjen" and "Chekov's Benjen."

* ToS Rewatch:

- My dad and I watched these over and over in syndication in the vast SF wasteland that was 70's TV. I still salivate when I hear the end credit music because that was dinner time for a decade or so on Sunday nights. Eventually the movies came. Still we watched them when we could catch them, but I was losing patience with Shatner by the end of the '80's. Then I was a philosophy monk for a couple of years with very limited TV access. When I came to have TV access again everything was TNG, Tos was hard to catch, tapes of individual episodes cost two dollars to rent and they refused to put them out in sets which, and I had grown out of them, really. I loved most of the characters, but the flaws in logic and particularly third season plotting, and Shatner's acting and the insufferable Kirk made me... not all that excited when the movies came out. I still remember our out right fury that somehow we were all so much smarter than Spock in the Klingon trial one that we solved the "mystery" in seconds and it took Spock most of the movie. By the time the one where they handed over the movies to the TNG crew, we all mostly wanted to watch Kirk die a painful death forever and in this too, we were disappointed. I think I haven't seen these all as a group in literal decades, though I've caught the occational random episode now and then. I once knew them so well I could recite snatches of dialog at length, but now... no. I have no guarantee I have anything meaningful to say, and this may end up rather MST3000.

- The Man Trap. Does Rigley's Pleasure Planet become Riza? They recycle this plot several times, don't they? Borgia Plant! Shouldn't that be Canterella? Apparently the "Red Shirt" has not yet been invented as a trope, so a blue shirt must due. I'd swear there was a pilot before this one with Nurse Chapel's actor as second in command, and one of those annoying god-like aliens, but it looks like the marathon missed it. We're not that far in and I already want to hit Kirk. Or Shatner. Both really. Are they really using the flagship to deliver chili peppers to outposts? Sexual harassment is live and well for Yeoman Rand on the enterprise. I'd forgotten Sulu had Morticia Addams garden for some reason. So exactly how often does McCoy drug Kirk to sleep? I don't see why they couldn't stun it, put it in a cell with all the salt it can eat and release it on a desert planet with a salt sea. Did I miss something?

-Charlie X. I like the godlike alien episodes the least. I also liked the Twilight zone version of this plot better. Less sexual harassment. Speaking of which, we are on the second episode and here is eYeoman Rand getting sexually harassed for the second episode in a row. To be honest, I loathe this episode and it was a struggle to force myself to watch it. I think the high point is Uhuru sings about Spock while he plays for her and his tiny smile. I have become hypnotized by the construction of Rand's basket weave beehive wig, and also the different in fabric between Spock and McCoy's uniform. That godlike being is totally a human. They didn't even bother with ears or a forehead.

- Where No Man Has Gone Before. Wait, now Spock is also in the same ugly baby poop yellow turtleneck they occasionally put Kirk in instead of the blue from last episode. I can't wait until they sort out the uniform situation. The first psychic shrink on Star Trek. In the context of charlie X, no wonder suddenly super psychic Mitchell moving things with his mind makes them all jumpy. This love poem was from "back in 1996." And Dr. Dehner veers into the creepy "superior man" eugenics adjacent zone.

* TNG Rewatch, Season 5:

- Unification pt. 2. In retrospect this reminds me of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

- A Matter of Time. I love that Deanna and Dr. Crusher have realistic response to the shady visitor creeping. At the same time that centuries in the future women will still need strategies for dealing with creeps. I liked the philosophical argument. I appreciated them all not being idiots. The biggest hint is a t=real historian would be worried about the Observer effect.

- And here alas, is a break. We'll need to wait for the rest of season 5 to roll round again.


* "How to help Flint, Michigan:" http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/how-help-flint-michigan

* Help pay for cat food, litter, meds, medical copays: Paypal Lethran@gmail.com

* Donate to help refugees "UN Refugee Agency:" http://donate.unhcr.org/international/general

* Organizations helping with the refugee crisis: http://captainofalltheships.tumblr.com/post/128790538169/an-updated-list-of-organizations-to-donate-to-help

* A list of LGBTQA Charities: http://awkward0w1.tumblr.com/post/126399233673

* Want Game of Thrones without the creepy? We desperately need new players. We are very inclusive. "Game of Bones MUSH:" gobmush.wikidot.com

This entry was originally posted at http://gwydion.dreamwidth.org/643077.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

racism, quiltbag, birthday, south america, books, tv, election, police violence, clowns

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