* "Police Brutality: Black Man Beaten To Death By Cops:"
https://blackmattersus.com/16591-awful-police-brutality-black-man-calls-police-for-help-got-beaten-to-death/ * "Racism In American Schools: Video Shows White Kids Chant “N-Word” On School Bus:"
https://blackmattersus.com/16579-racism-in-american-schools-video-shows-white-kids-chant-n-word-on-school-bus/ * "Not All Transgender People Have Dysphoria - And Here Are 6 Reasons Why That Matters:"
http://everydayfeminism.com/2015/08/not-all-trans-folks-dysphoria/ * "DNA in London Grave May Help Solve Mysteries of the Great Plague:"
http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2016/09/bubonic-plague-dna-found-london-black-death/ * "Deep in the Swamps, Archaeologists Are Finding How Fugitive Slaves Kept Their Freedom:"
http://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/deep-swamps-archaeologists-fugitive-slaves-kept-freedom-180960122/?no-ist * "Sunday Sweets: Flights of Fancy:"
http://www.cakewrecks.com/home/2016/9/25/sunday-sweets-flights-of-fancy.html * TNG 4 Rewatch:
- Final Mission. The toxic waste ship is also all to relevant to my great distress. I am pretty sure radiation exposure sickness doesn't work that way. Wil Wheaton Acting the shit out of this one.
- The Loss. I have always said Deanna is not a good counselor. she leans on her power to cover other deficiencies. While Riker saying what he said when he said it is assholish, he's not wrong. There is a lot to unpack here around the disability metaphor, but I'm frankly to tired to attempt it.
- Data's Day. His subroutines for dealing with common human emotional responses reminds me of me and my attempts to deal with other people who feel jealousy. I so sympathize with Worf on the human wedding thing. I do think this is another episode that has relevance to neurodivergance, in that it has relevance to difficulty reading emotional content in other people and predicting how they will react emotionally. I also do love an unreliable narrator. That tap dancing! I've taught people waltz and swing informally, and while steps themselves are easy to explain, I always struggled with explaining the signalling and the way of moving. I picked it all up instinctively and had no way to explain to someone who couldn't pick those things up through example and imitation. I'd occasionally come across someone so stiff that dancing with them hurt. this scene seemed pretty realistic to me. Here begins the Romulan sleeper agent arc, though there was some previous foreshadowing.
- The Wounded. The Cardassians are introduced. I have always disliked O'Brian and Keiko. The Apocalypse Now episode. I really like the ambiguity here. This is another episode that addresses war time trauma and difficulty adjusting to peace after.
- Devil's Due. Classic Debunking.
- Clues. This is a good little mystery.
- First contact. Alien groupies.... She just coerced Riker into sex, didn't she? Why doesn't Starfleet Print or DNA lock phasers? Why are nearly all the aliens races (except Klingons and that one horrible racial stereotype of a culture season one?) and colonists they meet played by white actors?
- Galaxy Child. Famous last words, Jordi, famous last words. This is so that thing most men do in my experience, where the guy makes this whole fantasy image of who a certain person is and how the story will unfold from there without, you know, checking who the person is and what they want first. Guinan really is calling this one accurately. I don't blame her for being grossed out. It as creepy as fuck. Jordi's "guilty of wanting to be your friend" thing is so classic nice guy syndrome.
- Night Terrors. An allergy to certain sedatives runs in my family. It causes extreme agitation, paranoia, and full spectrum hallucinations/break with reality in those it effects. That scene in the turbo lift with Picard? That was my Grandfather on haldol when he was dying. It is unnerving to watch. Picard speaking of his Grandfather's dementia? *shudder* to real.
* Louisiana is having a major flooding disaster, the worst disaster in this country since Sandy. Want to help?
https://www.redcross.org/donate/donation * "How to help Flint, Michigan:"
http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/how-help-flint-michigan * Help pay for cat food, litter, meds, medical copays: Paypal Lethran@gmail.com
* Donate to help refugees "UN Refugee Agency:"
http://donate.unhcr.org/international/general * Organizations helping with the refugee crisis:
http://captainofalltheships.tumblr.com/post/128790538169/an-updated-list-of-organizations-to-donate-to-help * A list of LGBTQA Charities:
http://awkward0w1.tumblr.com/post/126399233673 * Want Game of Thrones without the creepy? We desperately need new players. We are very inclusive. "Game of Bones MUSH:" gobmush.wikidot.com
http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/28/asia/indonesia-drug-executions/ This entry was originally posted at
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