* Super Tuesday: Cumulative Delegates: Rep: Trump 285, Cruz 160, Rubio 87, Kasich 25, Carson 8. Total needed 1237. Dem: Clinton 1001 (About half super delegates), Sanders: 371 (most pledged). Total needed 2383.
* "Religious children are meaner than their secular counterparts, study finds:"
http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/nov/06/religious-children-less-altruistic-secular-kids-study * "When chickens go wild:"
http://www.nature.com/news/when-chickens-go-wild-1.19195 * So I'm about five days in on that thing where my body temperature yoyos up to four degrees (two either way off normal) in the space of twelve hours. This is a thing that has happened my whole life. The bit of my brain that regulates body temperature is intermittently glitchy, and if you put my body under any kind of stress at all, it becomes really glitchy. The lung infection is holding steady. The sleep situation is not good, because that's another part of my brain that glitches. The whole marathon commitment on insufficient sleep thing over the weekend knocked that out of whack, which is normal for me. (Seriously, in grad school I'd sometimes be awake for 2-3 days without stimulants and back when I was dying there were a couple weeks not long before they removed Herberton, my tumor colony, where I was subsisting on a half hour to two hours of sleep out of twenty four). So that's out of whack, and my sleep is in the four hours at a stretch range.
It's no big deal, but it means quality and quantity of posts are lower right now, which is likely something you've noticed. Monday's Surprise RL ate a lot of my time as it meant me having the car when Squirrel needed it and me ferrying him to his commitments so I could make mine. In between was the Black sails Commentary, which ate everything else I could have theoretically done yesterday except feeding myself. Tuesday I did what I could to catch up on the things I let slide for the previous three days. I was only partially successful, but that ate most of today's spoons and a big chunk of time. It's why I wasn't on GoB even though I know there are people very much wanting to talk to my people. For this I apologize as well. I did go out to the time traveling book drop, and as Squirrel was kind enough to have bought dish soap, I could spend the money I had slotted for that on other much needed cleaning supplies at the dollar store. I mention because the young man at the register was stunningly beautiful. Like he could be a fashion model beautiful. He even had a perfectly placed for the 18th Century beauty mark. Don't worry, I do not impose on people far too young for me, nor would I want to do anything. It was just startling to see someone like that out in the world.
* Help pay for gas to get a rescue kitty safe to his new forever home. paypal@ninjakitten.com
* Want to help the people of Fiji in the wake of Cyclone Winston?:
http://www.redcross.com.fj/ * Zimbabwe has joined Ethiopia in disaster level drought People and animals are dying. Want to help?
https://www.wfp.org/help * Help the poisoned children of Flint Michigan. "Water Crisis:&";
https://www.cfgf.org/cfgf/GoodWork/FlintArea/WaterCrisis/tabid/855/Default.aspx * "How to help Flint, Michigan:"
http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/how-help-flint-michigan * Want to help finance my meds/medical co pays? Paypal Lethran@gmail.com
* Donate to help refugees "UN Refugee Agency:"
http://donate.unhcr.org/international/general * Organizations helping with the refugee crisis:
http://captainofalltheships.tumblr.com/post/128790538169/an-updated-list-of-organizations-to-donate-to-help * Want Game of Thrones without the creepy? We desperately need new players. We are very inclusive. "Game of Bones MUSH:" gobmush.wikidot.com
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