(no subject)

Feb 23, 2016 05:14

* An Uber driver has murdered six people and wounded two in Kalamazoo over the weekend.

* "Past primary debacles threaten Nevada's early GOP state status:"

* "Cruz cuts top aid amid more 'dirty trick' talk:"

* South Carolina is winner take all, so Trump just picked up 50 delegates. *facepalm* Trump 32.5%, Rubio 22.5%, Cruz 22.3%, Bush 7.8%, Kasich 7.6%, and Carson 7.2%. Bush has finally dropped out, as south carolina was his best chance for a decent popular vote. Cumulative Delegate Count: Trump 67, Cruz 11, Rubio 10, Kasich 5, Carson 3.

* Nevada Caucus: Clinton 19, Sanders 15.

* I hate the Scalia conspiracy theory crap. It seems so cruel to the family.

* "Cory Booker - Crossing Party Lines in "United":"

* This is the best! "Uganda: Worse at Elections Than America:"

* "Blacklash 2016: The Unblackening - Hispandering at the Nevada Caucus:"

* London Spy: I could not possibly have guessed how relevant to my interests this was going to turn out to be. It's rather comforting that my first instinct when Danny went to meet the parents wasn't that far off. My initial guess was that it was all for show and they were spies there except the lady in the kitchen, see. I spotted the fake parents as fake right off. I was still debating about the other two with myself going into this episode. Not right, but not a bad guess.

* "Also spies. Sometimes there are gay spy orgies with or without murder.:" http://tragically-uncool.tumblr.com/post/139685486644/lilliburlero-lilliburlero

* Is Anyone traveling from Eugene, OR to Seattle, Mount Vernon, or Bellingham, WA and willing to transport a rescue cat to a forever home? If this sounds like you or someone you know, contact me, please.

* Zimbabwe has joined Ethiopia in disaster level drought People and animals are dying. Want to help? https://www.wfp.org/help

* Help the poisoned children of Flint Michigan. "Water Crisis:&"; https://www.cfgf.org/cfgf/GoodWork/FlintArea/WaterCrisis/tabid/855/Default.aspx

* "How to help Flint, Michigan:" http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/how-help-flint-michigan

* Want to help finance my meds/medical co pays? Paypal Lethran@gmail.com

* Donate to help refugees "UN Refugee Agency:" http://donate.unhcr.org/international/general

* Organizations helping with the refugee crisis: http://captainofalltheships.tumblr.com/post/128790538169/an-updated-list-of-organizations-to-donate-to-help

* Want Game of Thrones without the creepy? We desperately need new players. We are very inclusive. "Game of Bones MUSH:" gobmush.wikidot.com

This entry was originally posted at http://gwydion.dreamwidth.org/595133.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

mass murder, tv, election, africa, politics

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