* "Zika virus triggers pregnancy delay calls:"
http://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-35388842 * Eight pro-arson right wing militants were arrested in Oregon today and one killed. The man was killed after drawing a gun on police. One of the remaining militant is calling for more violence. I realize the right to set prairie fires with impunity sounds like a good idea to the militants, but I still think it is a terrible idea.
* "Christie enrages NJ residents, again:"
* "The plot to stop Planned Parenthood:"
* The Republican Mass Poisoning of Flint Coverage:
* Today was forage, followed by library exchange and taxes. I probably should have yelled "Witness me!" I have a list of assorted small bureaucracy, one involving at minimum a frustrating trip down town, but I'm going to try to do that stuff next week. Tomorrow Tibicina and her gentleman friend are visiting. Friday I've a scheduled online thing and I'll need rest anyway.
* Note to people paying taxes: you need your proof of insurance coverage!
* Note to US Citizens over 18. Voting season has started. Where I live, we got a tax levy ballot over the weekend and I sent mine in Monday. Iowa caucuses are next week and primaries continue from there. If you live in a caucus state it is important to go in person as that is the only way to be counted in the Presidential primary. You know what else is important? Voting on other races and ballot measures. Please, please, please do not forget to vote on State and local races. School board elections matter, city council elections matter, sometimes sheriff election can dramatically change how livable your city or town are. State elections can determine things like will you still have unions or will birth control be legal. Seriously, this stuff matters. If you don't know your candidates look them up on line. Do I know the name of my county treasurer without checking? No, but I have access to google. yes, it's less convenient to do this if you aren't in a write in state, but those voter guides they mail you can be a real help for finding the candidates relative to your district. 10-15 minutes of research are worth it. Trust me.
Also, because it is possible to be politically active and still not know this because it's not advertised at all: Washington State is a caucus state. No really. Everything else is mail in, and they list the Presidential candidates on the ballot, but if you want your vote to count in the presidential primary, you need to schlep in to your local caucus. Send the ballot in anyway, as generally there are congress critters, mayors and the like on there, but go to the caucus. Yes, it's a pain in the ass and if you want parking, go early, but do go. If you are caucusing in Washington state, you can pick to go to the Republican or the Democratic caucus, but not both. You don't have to decide until the day. My experience is they hold the Republicans in the morning and Democrats in the afternoon in the same location, usually wherever you used to in person vote before they abolished that.
* "Why Women In Fandom End Up On the:"
http://www.fandomfollowing.com/1031-2/ * Help the poisoned children of Flint Michigan. "Water Crisis:"
https://www.cfgf.org/cfgf/GoodWork/FlintArea/WaterCrisis/tabid/855/Default.aspx * "How to help Flint, Michigan:"
http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/how-help-flint-michigan * Want to help finance Hector's cat food and my meds/medical co pays? Paypal Lethran@gmail.com
* Donate to help refugees "UN Refugee Agency:"
http://donate.unhcr.org/international/general * Organizations helping with the refugee crisis:
http://captainofalltheships.tumblr.com/post/128790538169/an-updated-list-of-organizations-to-donate-to-help * Want Game of Thrones without the creepy? We desperately need new players. We are very inclusive. "Game of Bones MUSH:" gobmush.wikidot.com
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