(no subject)

Dec 16, 2015 03:34

* This is a massive relief. "French voters reject anti-Muslim, nativist National Front party:"

* Storm Front and David Duke, former Grand Wizard of the KKK and former Republican presidential candidate are really excited about Donald Trumps candidacy as they now have a candidate that represents their views with a good chance of taking the Republican nomination. *shudder*

The KKK and Storm Front are the Republican Mainstream now.

* "Nazi salute heard at Trump rally:"

* How can you tell Republicans are lying when they say they care about national Security and the rise of Daesh? This is how. "Shelby chooses partisan games over ISIS fight with nominee stall:"

* Real people are dying in the Republican War on Women. "Shooting suspect: 'I am guilty' 'warrior for the babies':"

* "Veteran trashed with ISIS taint:"

* "Back to Baltimore: Seven months later:"

* "Survivor tells her story about Holtzclaw:"

* "Anti-Muslim attacks more than double typical US rate:"

* "Mainly black prisoners are being forced to pick cotton in modern day slavery:" http://gwydionmisha.tumblr.com/post/135247336802/mainly-black-prisoners-are-being-forced-to-pick

* "Lead-poisoned children prompt emergency declaration from mayor:"

* "Massive gas leak's toxic plumes visible with special camera:"

* "A US town rejected solar panels because 'they'd suck up all the energy from the sun':" http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-town-rejects-solar-panels-amid-fears-they-suck-up-all-the-energy-from-the-sun-a6771526.html

* Freecycle came through. It was hugely painful and exhausting and the situation is not long term viable, but I do have temporary TV access again. The TV is precariously balanced on two rickety folding tables. It is awkwardly narrowing access to the porch and the tank area, but it works well enough as a short term fix. The other option would have better picture, but is taller than me and at least two mes wide and would have required a road trip with a friend of a friend in their truck. If this is bad, imagine me trying to tend plants and fish with that in the way. It has no remote, but is old enough to have working buttons on the front. So thank you, nice elderly hippy couple I will likely see again for letting me scavenge your TV.

I am approximately two weeks behind on everything between the extreme pain situation, various RL drama, and Dhraegon's wedding. I have a lot of wrap up stuff on GoB for the next week including running the other half of the tourney, so I doubt I'll be caught up until some time in January. If it is important I know something email or PM me.

* TW: Sexual Abuse, Violence Against Women. "Sansa Stark, Abuse, and the Treatment of Women in A Song of Ice and Fire Part Three: Reactions of a “Perfect Lady”:" http://www.fandomfollowing.com/197-2/

* Donate to help refugees "UN Refugee Agency:" http://donate.unhcr.org/international/general

* Organizations helping with the refugee crisis: http://captainofalltheships.tumblr.com/post/128790538169/an-updated-list-of-organizations-to-donate-to-help

* A list of LGBTQA Charities: http://awkward0w1.tumblr.com/post/126399233673

* Want Game of Thrones without the creepy? We desperately need new players. We are very inclusive. "Game of Bones MUSH:" gobmush.wikidot.com

This entry was originally posted at http://gwydion.dreamwidth.org/579548.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

media, war on women, books, terrorism, election, hate crime, racism, police, prison industrial complex, life, environment, europe, rape, pollution, police violence, science denial

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