* "Consequences of the Greek OXI (No) Vote:"
http://www.ianwelsh.net/consequences-of-the-greek-oxi-no-vote/ * "Hole in Shell vessel threatens drilling plan:"
* "SC Senate votes to remove Confederate flag:"
Alas the State House Republicans are larding on poison pill amendments in the hopes of preserving the racist traitor flag for ideological reasons.
* "Back Up Off Jennicet, And Do Something About Trans ICE Detainees:"
http://transgriot.blogspot.com/2015/07/back-up-off-jennicet-and-do-something.html * "The Myth of Big, Bad Gluten:"
http://www.nytimes.com/2015/07/05/opinion/sunday/the-myth-of-big-bad-gluten.html?_r=0 * "A mystery unfolds in a Florida beach town:"
* "Africans in Tudor and Stuart Britain:"
http://www.mirandakaufmann.com/bbc-history-magazine.html * "Black Woman Artist Poses Nude at Former New York City Slave Trading Sites, Including Wall Street:"
http://blackgirllonghair.com/2015/07/black-woman-artist-poses-nude-at-former-new-york-slave-trade-sites-including-wall-street-and-city-hall/ * The first two white lilies bloomed yesterday. They are massive and smell amazing. The lobelias have been joined by a bunch of the salad greens and herbs that are flowering just now. The result is rather lovely in a wildflower sort of way. I went on grocery run not long after dawn, while it was still cool out. I bought about 40.00 more than I should have. There will be no fixing my shoes unless I sell more ebay after all. After I put everything away, ate, and did lungs, I did a bit of work in the garden, re-potting some things and shuffling some others as various things need more or less light. I might reshuffle again a bit tomorrow as I'm not entirely satisfied. My fever is much lower today, but I'm still sleeping in random five hour shifts, headachey and generally crap. I wish it would rain.
* "Killjoys, Season 1, Episode 3: The Harvest:"
http://www.fangsforthefantasy.com/2015/07/killjoys-season-1-episode-3-harvest.html * Ebay Time:
AUTUMN FANCIES 2013 (LE, Halloweenies): (Company says: Dry grasses bathed in amber light, muted by gentle shadows.) Top of label.:
http://www.ebay.com/itm/-/301667294922?ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT * Want Game of Thrones without the creepy? We desperately need new players. We are very inclusive. "Game of Bones MUSH:" gobmush.wikidot.com
* My RL oldest continuous friend is doing a fundraiser:
http://www.gofundme.com/x9g7q2k * Trying to stay afloat until August:
http://www.gofundme.com/cuovws or Lethran@gmail.com
This entry was originally posted at
http://gwydion.dreamwidth.org/542357.html. Please comment there using