* "Rep. McGovern rips 'cowardly Congress' on ducking ISIS war vote:"
* TW: Incest, Pedophilia. So the Duggars
allowed their son to molest their young daughters including a five year old and a family friend for a year and a half after his first confession and claimed they magically stopped him molesting with construction work, non-therapeutic religious instruction, and my having a child pornographer give him a stern talking to. They did not get their daughters therapy as they insist the molestation did no damage!?! Nor did they tell the family who's daughter they allowed to molested under their roof. They insist that the christian thing to do for them and the pastors who ignored the mandatory reporting laws was to forgive each instance of molestation and allow him to live under the same roof as his victims.
* "Memories of racist rule refreshed by NC bill:"
* "Charges filed for cheering at graduation:"
* "Clinton slams GOP for war on voting, calls for universal registration:"
* "2016 GOP candidates re-launch the culture wars:"
* "Cast out and unwelcome: Life for transgender people after Nepal's earthquake:"
http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2015/05/25/cast-out-and-unwelcome-life-for-transgender-people-after-nepals-earthquake/ * "Mystery Deepens Over Rare Roman Tombstone:"
http://news.discovery.com/history/archaeology/mystery-deepens-over-rare-roman-tombstone-150528.htm * Important conversation about Maori representation, race, and colonialism in Mad Max. Read past the OP for Maori perspectives.
http://runningtheriskofbeingfree.tumblr.com/post/120428227112/ranting-about-feminism-its-racist-for-you-to-ask * "America in the Middle East - Learning Curves Are for Pussies:"
The Daily ShowGet More:
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The Daily Show on Facebook,
Daily Show Video Archive * "Mike Huckabee's Transgender Jab:"
The Nightly ShowGet More:
The Nightly Show Full Episodes,
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The Nightly Show Video Archive * "Whattup, Supreme Court? - Psychotic Facebook Posts:"
The Nightly ShowGet More:
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The Nightly Show on Facebook,
The Nightly Show Video Archive * "Whattup, Baltimore? - Police Slowdown:"
The Nightly ShowGet More:
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The Nightly Show Video Archive * "Halal Things Considered:"
The Daily ShowGet More:
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Daily Show Video Archive * "The Kid Stays in the Enclosures:"
The Daily ShowGet More:
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Daily Show Video Archive * A couple of hours after going to sleep, I came down with Squirrel's plague he brought home from the nursing home last week. Given how fast and hard it hit, I expect it to be a bad one. So if I am missing, I am in bed resting.
* The upside was I had Rolling in the Deep to read in between fever dreams. It is short, efficient, and brutal it format, which is perfect for the subject matter. Want a bit of sea themed horror for your beach reading? Take this.
* "Sea and Shore and In-Between:"
http://seananmcguire.tumblr.com/post/119067866600/sea-and-shore-and-in-between * Ebay Time, Four lots:
AUTUMN FANCIES 2013 (LE, Halloweenies): (Company says: Dry grasses bathed in amber light, muted by gentle shadows.) Top of label.:
http://www.ebay.com/itm/301649341988?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 THIRTEEN (13): December 2013 (LE, Lunacy): (Company says: Bringing the light of good fortune to the dark of the year! Coconut-infused white chocolate swirled with a mélange of New Year's blessings: smashed pomegranates, a slice of vasilopita, black-eyed peas, rice wine, a bunch of leafy greens, twelve sweet grapes, buckwheat, almond cookies, and glazed doughnuts.) Top of Label.
AUTUMN LACE 2012 (LE, Retail Exclusive Oils): (Company says: An October funeral, 1888. Black linen and delicate, sugar-spun lace suffused with the scent of tobacco, black tea, Indian musk, liturgical incense, and cognac, with a drop of laudanum and crushed Autumn leaves.) Just Below Top of Label.
DR. HENRY JEKYLL 2009 (LE, Retail Exclusive Oils): (Company says: A discreet men's cologne of juniper, cumin, verbena, bergamot, mint, and basil splattered with dregs from apothecary bottles.) 1/2 Full.
GEISHA IN A STATE OF RUMPLED ANNOYANCE 2014 (LE, Lupercalia, Shunga, novel ideas for secret Amusements): (Company says: French lavender, white plum blossom, white ginger, and rice wine.) 1/2 Full
* Want Game of Thrones without the creepy? We desperately need new players. We are very inclusive. "Game of Bones MUSH:" gobmush.wikidot.com
* Nepal Relief:
http://thewynne.tumblr.com/post/117524778471/nepal-donations * Trying to stay afloat until August:
http://www.gofundme.com/cuovws or Lethran@gmail.com
This entry was originally posted at
http://gwydion.dreamwidth.org/533868.html. Please comment there using