* "'White Helmets' bring medical aid to Syria:"
http://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2015/05/22/ac-dnt-gupta-white-helmets-syrian-refugees-medical-aid.cnn * "American journalist begins 'trial' in Iran:"
* "How the DEA Harasses Amtrak Passengers:"
http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/05/how-the-dea-harasses-amtrak-passengers/393230/ * "Justice Department issues reforms to fix Cleveland policing:"
* "British toy maker introduces range of dolls with disabilities:"
http://mashable.com/2015/05/19/toy-like-me-dolls-disabilities/ * "Tunisia recognizes first LGBT association - General news:"
http://www.ansamed.info/ansamed/en/news/sections/generalnews/2015/05/25/tunisia-recognizes-first-lgbt-association_1c1e13bb-eac2-4862-be51-63c78420e780.html * "Church of England to consider transgender naming ceremony:"
http://www.theguardian.com/society/2015/may/21/proposal-for-transgender-baptism-to-go-before-church-of-england * "What The Nation’s Doctors Say About Transgender Rights And Marriage Equality:"
http://thinkprogress.org/lgbt/2015/05/15/3658999/physicians-lgbt/ * Nostalgia, colonialism, and gentrification. "When Hipsters Dream of the 1890s:"
http://briarpatchmagazine.com/articles/view/when-hipsters-dream "The Kin's Speech:"
The Daily ShowGet More:
Daily Show Full Episodes,
The Daily Show on Facebook,
Daily Show Video Archive * "Sad Queer Novels, Fixed:"
http://the-toast.net/2015/05/18/sad-queer-novels-fixed/ * Want Game of Thrones without the creepy? We desperately need new players. We are very inclusive. "Game of Bones MUSH:" gobmush.wikidot.com
* Ebay Time, 2 no bid as of this writing, 4ish days left:
THIRTEEN (13) September 2013 (LE): (Company says: A fortune's wheel of thirteen lucky and unlucky herbs, spun around a rich, dark core of pure cacao: allspice berries, cascara sagrada, ladybug beans, cinnamon, catnip, sweet clove, cumin, huckleberry leaves and fruit, master root, copal negro, sarsaparilla, nutmeg, and green rice.) Slightly above top of label.:
AUTUMN FANCIES 2013 (LE, Halloweenies): (Company says: Dry grasses bathed in amber light, muted by gentle shadows.) Top of label.
MOTHER SHUB’S PUMPKIN PECAN TREACLE ROOM 2013 (LE, Yule, Miskatonic Valley: The Festival): (Company says: Popularized by the reality TV show “Real Cultists of Arkham Hills”!) At shoulder.
AN OMEN OF GOOD FORTUNE 2012 (LE, Novel Ideas for Secret Amusements V): (Company says: Black tea, mango blossom, wolfberry, oakmoss, and star anise. Just below top of label.
OVID’S PHOENIX 2013 (LE, Lunacy): (Company says: Fitful dreams of the cradle and sepulchre: honey, cassia bark, sweet spikenard, cinnamon, and yellow myrrh.) Top of Label.
PLACOPHOBIA 2013 (LE, Halloweenies): (Company says: Fear of tombstones. Jagged claws of crumbling stone thrusting through tear-soaked moss.) ¾ Full.
* Nepal Relief:
http://thewynne.tumblr.com/post/117524778471/nepal-donations * Trying to stay afloat until August:
http://www.gofundme.com/cuovws or Lethran@gmail.com
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http://gwydion.dreamwidth.org/532121.html. Please comment there using