(no subject)

Mar 10, 2015 03:47

* The Madison police hunted and killed an unarmed teenager named Tony Robinson. They are actually investigating it.

* "Untouched Mycenaean Tomb Found in Central Greece:" http://greece.greekreporter.com/2015/02/07/untouched-mycenaean-tomb-found-in-central-greece/

* "Picts offer historians a picture of non-Roman Briton culture:" http://phys.org/news/2015-02-picts-historians-picture-non-roman-briton.html

* "Dinner At Piso's:" http://www.insidescience.org/content/dinner-pisos/2536

* "Immigration: What the Romans Can Teach Us:" http://www.newsweek.com/immigration-what-romans-can-teach-us-308211

* "Farmer’s field yields its 2,000-year-old secret:" http://www.bucksherald.co.uk/news/farmer-s-field-yields-its-2-000-year-old-secret-1-6577250

* "Artifacts show Vikings were pioneers of craft and international trade, not just pillaging:" http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2015/02/artifacts-show-vikings-were-pioneers-of-craft-and-international-trade-not-just-pillaging/

* "Mystery over 500-year-old drilled skull of Italian martyr finally solved:" http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/italy/11415384/Mystery-over-500-year-old-drilled-skull-of-Italian-martyr-finally-solved.html

* "Tudor sisters' plague graffiti found:" http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-cambridgeshire-31459761

* Why we can't have nice things. "GamerGate is killing video games.:" http://theivorytowercrumbles.tumblr.com/post/113175580849/gamergate-is-killing-video-games

* "Was ever woman in this humour wooed?
Was ever woman in this humour won?"
(Richard, Act 1 Scene 2)

Today was a particularly satisfying day on Game of Bones. My broken Targaryen, has convinced a recent Hightower widow, sister to the Queen to let him court her openly with a view towards marriage, her knowing full well odds are high he will be unable to consummate and that he is not neurotypical. I also had the fun of sending my terrified, on the verge of a serious emotional collapse targ in to ask her brother, the Hightower heir for leave to openly court her (at her urging), which is hilarious, as the brother was startled and amazed as was my Targ who was rather like a dog who caught a car and also flat out terrified of the marriage bed (and hyposexual and exclusively homo-romantic). I loved that amoung his selling points for the match as presented to her brother where: "I have explained why I will make a bad husband," and "She has seen me in public." He also got to teach an operative how to impersonate a minor noble for a party they are all going to tomorrow. It was a good day for my Spider.

* More Black Sails musings:

On Billy Bones: And to me, this is why he does it, why he supports Flint even though he can never really trust him, even after what happened to Mr. Gates. He's seen what the alternative is, and in the end he chooses all of them: his crew, his brothers. he's been tortured, he's despaired, he's been changed. He's become someone else, someone he doesn't recognize and that someone is willing to do terrible things for what he believes to be the greater good. In a way, he has become Flint.

And that is terrifying.

On Miranda (from a discussion elsewhere): 'I think she really did/does love them both, but all that baggage is apt to trip her up even as his anger and guilt over abandoning Thomas trips him up and makes it hard for him to be around her. I think she wants civilization back. I think she wants a husband for the cover of respectability. I think she always had affairs, but that doesn't mean she didn't love Thomas. I do think it hurt that Thomas and James had something together she could never have with either of them, and that tinges her love with pain and always has. She is practical and makes do, but in her own way she is as proud and determined as Flint. She wants a place similar top the one she has. He wants to shove himself and Nassau down England's throat on his own terms, so they are fundamentally at odds politically most of the time. She needs a way back in, even to colonial society. She is exiled from England, and the public version of her story is notorious. How well is the infamous adulteress who drove her poor husband to suicide going to do in Boston society without a patron powerful enough to ensure she is received? The negotiation for Flint's pardon came with a powerful family's patronage for her. She could (slip on a boat, change her name, and start over somewhere else) if she wanted to be like a baker's wife or something, but I think in her own way she is as proud as Flint. He won't apologize to England. She is more practical about it, but I think she ultimately wants to stay a gentle woman instead of coming back as a working class woman, if that makes sense. There is a pride to her, underneath. It is like her books.

* "The Walking Dead, Season Five, Episode Thirteen: Forget:" http://www.fangsforthefantasy.com/2015/03/the-walking-dead-season-five-episode.html

* Space Mermaids are the best mermaids: http://brigdh.tumblr.com/post/113178611927/apriki-make-me-your-maria-a-mix-for-the#notes

* Our Financial Situation continues Scary: http://www.gofundme.com/cuovws or Lethran@gmail.com

This entry was originally posted at http://gwydion.dreamwidth.org/515989.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

misogyny, archaeology, ancient world, gaming, help, history of cooking, epidemic, tv, europe, police violence, mush

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