* "My ’70s Health-Nut Parents Didn’t Vaccinate Me. This Is What My Childhood Was Like."
http://www.slate.com/articles/life/family/2014/01/growing_up_unvaccinated_a_healthy_lifestyle_couldn_t_prevent_many_childhood.html * MrBumblepants came over today, hence me being missing online all evening. We had tea and pie.
* Glee 6.6 "What the World Needs Now:"
1. Wow the lyrics to "Never Fall in Love Again" are terrible.
2. I do not like dream sequences with Artie out of his chair. There are so few characters in wheel chairs in media, I just... It's hard to explain.
3. This is so not my music.
4. Heaven vs the Underworld as wedding themes. NYC was heaven once, but failed... So much Underworld imagery this season: Cerberus, cancer cat, The elevator prison which reminded me of Huis Clos (Mistranslated to "No exit in English, which I hate because "Half Closed" underlines the choice aspect wich is thematically and philosophically important, hence me calling it Huis Clos, if that makes sense. Anyway, it was a kind of hell and I think the heat and colour scheme bear me out here), etc.. Now Brittany is explicitly referencing "The Underworld."
5. It turns out I hate Bacharach. When it's one song in the background in a movie, it's atmosphere and I can mostly tune it out, but put a bunch of them in a row where I have to pay attention and I want to flee the room. Who knew? The Arthur Song one I liked, I think because the singing was so good. I love the way the Rachel memories imbedded in the song underlined the ways she'd outgrown her old dreams and the need for her to think seriously about what she wants. Sam almost sold me on not hating "Close to You," his performance was that good. I still hate it, but for a moment there, I almost didn't.
6. It's nice Lord Tubbington is in Brittany's heaven.
7. Mercedes treating Kurt the way Mercedes and Tina were treated the first four years of this show. Interesting.
8. "You could be Peter Pan. In a retirement home sort of way. I know a guy." OMG.
9. Brittany and Santana's Abuela was fascinating. This episode captured all the ways Brittany is brilliant and also the way she has trouble guessing social outcomes.
10. The tone in the Mercedes/Sam thing was beautifully balanced.
11. I loved Santana so much tonight. I loved Brittany extra lots (I always love Brittany, but tonight? Wow!). I am really happy about this wedding. I also loved all the ways they spent all episode having a bunch of in-community conversation we've all had to engage with one way or another and they didn't dumb it down for the straight cis folks.
12. Chosen family! It was smarmy and sentimental, but it was also the thing that goes here narratively, and I'm okay with it. Where was all this support when Unique needed it though?
13. I'm really glad they didn't happy ending the Abeula bit, because sometimes parents never come around, and it's good to see a TV show both acknowledge that and show that Santana and my extension people experiencing family rejection can be okay and loved even when the birth family are being shitty. I love Brittany trying to heal the breach, but when she failed standing up for Santana. I love chosen family being emphasized and highlighted.
14. Was Kurt checking for Dave when he let Blaine in? Was that a little look of satisfaction?
15. I'm going to need to spend a lot more processing before I can write intelligently about Brittany's family and the way it relates to Becky/sexual agency and Artie's STD plot last season, but I have so many thoughts and feelings.
16. Is Lord Tubbington the reincarnation of Elvis?
* "Kenyan Goths:"
http://www.teenagefilm.com/archives/threads-ahead/kenyan-goths/ * "12 Monkeys, Season One, Episode Three: Cassandra Complex:"
http://www.fangsforthefantasy.com/2015/02/12-monkeys-season-one-episode-three.html * "Grimm, Season Four, Episode Eleven: Death Do Us Par:"
http://www.fangsforthefantasy.com/2015/02/grimm-season-four-episode-eleven-death.html * Our Financial Situation continues Scary:
http://www.gofundme.com/cuovws or Lethran@gmail.com
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