(no subject)

Dec 19, 2014 05:48

* "Weight Gains:" http://thenewinquiry.com/essays/weight-gains/

* "Seriously? Cops Justified In Shooting a 12 Year Old?:" http://www.transgriot.blogspot.com/2014/12/seriously-cops-justified-in-shooting-12.html

* These claims that police make that in a literal one second they can roll up, assess if someone is threat, order him to drop the toy he is holding, decide he is not complying and shoot him (John Crawford III), or that two literal seconds is long enough to do all that and demand three times the child drop the toy (Tamir Rice), is some obvious bullshit. It is likely even worse than it looks.

See, I was a teacher. In teaching, we have a thing called "wait time." It takes people a non-zero amount of time to process a question or request. There is no such thing as instant compliance, even if the person you are talking about is a native speaker, has no learning disability, no hearing issues, and is completely neurotypical, cooperative, and knows the answer/how to do the thing you asked them to do. A reasonable wait time between question/command, and a student's response is way longer than a person who isn't trained expects. With a native English speaking neurotypical child, you count to 5 slowly in your head. It's extra important when dealing with children in that 6th-9th grade range, as people under stress have a harder time processing than people who are not under stress, and every child that age is under massive stress, which is why they are always forgetting things. It's double to triple that wait time if the child is a non-native speaker or has a disability that makes language processing hard. So how is it that police are considered justified in using deadly force in one second, when the person they are screaming at hasn't had time to figure out someone is saying something, let alone turn around, figure out what is being said, and comply with the order to drop the toy? We give children longer than that if we are asking them if they have their homework done, and nobodies is if they answer no there.

I taught kids Tamir Rice's age, and I can't get that out of my head, that he could have been one of my little guys. I'm the last person to romanticize middle schoolers. They can be serious jerks sometimes. I never met one, no matter how obnoxious, that deserved to be shot. When my kids had been abused, I was angry at the adults that let it happen, and _more_ protective, not less. This claim some in Cleveland making that having been the victim of violence before means he _deserved_ to be shot makes me a kind of angry that is beyond words. No, he _deserved_ to be protected. He definitely deserved more than two damned seconds.

* "We See You: Why Catching Cops On Film Makes A Difference:" http://thinkprogress.org/justice/2014/12/10/3601100/cop-watching/

* "Visiting Rikers, the Paupers Pinch:" http://arnade.tumblr.com/post/33008696089/visiting-rikers-the-paupers-pinch

* "The secret to the Uber economy is wealth inequality:" http://qz.com/312537/the-secret-to-the-uber-economy-is-wealth-inequality/

* "How Monsanto owns and manipulates the world's food supply:" http://boingboing.net/2009/12/13/how-monsanto-owns-an.html

* "DOJ Will Interpret 1964 Civil Rights Act As Protecting Trans Government Employees:" http://transgriot.blogspot.com/2014/12/doj-will-interpret-1964-civil-rights.html

* "The Darwin Awards: sex differences in idiotic behaviour:" http://www.bmj.com/content/349/bmj.g7094

* "Role Models-Damned Glad To Have Them:" http://www.transgriot.blogspot.com/2014/12/role-models-damned-glad-to-have-them.html

* Attn: MrBumblepants. That cool story about that girl standing up to Salvation Army I was telling you about.: http://gwydionmisha.tumblr.com/post/105519400132/goldstarprivilege

* "Fairytale of New York: the story behind the Pogues' classic Christmas anthem:" http://www.theguardian.com/music/2012/dec/06/fairytale-new-york-pogues-christmas-anthem?CMP=share_btn_tw

* Hector has enough food to carry us to January. Thank you, Donors. He’s doing way better than he was. He’s still trying to solve the dread problem that occurred when he was sick for two months and had given up on life. He’s eating well, though picky about it, which is also a good sign. I think he may have another year in him after all.

Pics taken as I was writing this here: http://gwydionmisha.tumblr.com/post/105593032592/hector-has-enough-food-to-carry-us-to-january

* I keep thinking that the Librarians would be so much better if the people who wrote Leverage were writing it.

* This is a NWS Victorian crossdressed porn photo, which I suspect might be relevant to some interests here: http://antique-erotic.tumblr.com/post/105013655245/antique-erotic-this-day-gets-infinitely-better

* Katharine Kerr needs our help.: http://seanan-mcguire.livejournal.com/604572.html

* Our Financial Situation continues Scary: http://www.gofundme.com/cuovws

This entry was originally posted at http://gwydion.dreamwidth.org/493697.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

racism, poverty, body shaming, trans*, prison industrial complex, help, cats, music, hate groups, tv, police violence, holidays, food crisis

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