(no subject)

Sep 24, 2014 03:55

* Round about West Coast dinner time Monday we started bombing ISIL in Syria. Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Jordon are joining in the air strikes.

* "A look inside the Free Syrian Army:"

* India has sent an orbiter to Mars for less than the cost of us making the movie "Gravity."

* "How the Ray Rice video could help domestic violence survivors:"

* Watching the Daily Show last night, it suddenly occurred to me that the real reason Republican Law Makers can't grasp climate change is that they have not yet achieved the Concrete Operational level of development, so what we really need to do is replace them with a bunch of second graders who are able to understand basic concepts like if you add more to an already over full container it would over flow. No wonder the Science Committee can't handle 8th grade science curriculum topics, if they are at a developmental level more appropriate to five year olds. Which begs the question why functioning adults elected these folks and keep reelecting them.

This might also explain why Republican Economists can't handle First Grade Math concepts like addition and subtraction. No wonder they don't understand that if you take something away, you have less. I realize asking for formal operational level thinking in politicians is way too high a bar, but can't we at least hold out for law makers able to handle, say 5th-6th grade level reading, math, science, and social studies?

* "Looking Beyond Notions Of Erotica In Prehistoric Art:" http://nhpr.org/post/looking-beyond-notions-erotica-prehistoric-art

Funny, in the course of my lifetime these have gone from being considered Goddess figures to mere porn. There is an awful lot of bias in action around these figures.

* In case you missed reading the whole speech. "Emma Watson Says That The View Feminism Is "Man Hating" Has To Stop:" http://www.buzzfeed.com/rossalynwarren/emma-watson-says-that-the-view-feminism-is-man-hating-has-to#1k7bd0w

* Please, please, please, make sure you are registered to vote and that you have up to date State ID if your state requires it. I know that midterm elections aren't exciting, but they are really important. Think the current Congress is bad? Things are about to get a whole lot worse if the Republicans get control of the Senate. There is a real chance of stopping them, so please, please please, vote early if you are in an early voting state, so you'll have time to do something if the Republicans have disenfranchised you. Please, please, please vote on election day if that is your only option. Take off work if you need to. Republicans are counting on you to not care, to not be willing to jump through hoops and wait in line. Don't let them steal your vote, your voice, your civil and human rights. Vote, damn it!

* On Girls Raised as Boys in Afghanistan. "Jenny Nordberg Extended Interview:" http://on.cc.com/1x5B4sT

* Greenwick found. "Padmini Prakash becomes India's first transgender news anchor:" http://www.business-standard.com/article/news-ani/padmini-prakash-becomes-india-s-first-transgender-news-anchor-114092100063_1.html

* "Burn Noticed:"

The Daily Show
Get More: Daily Show Full Episodes,The Daily Show on Facebook,Daily Show Video Archive

* The Strain: Can we kill Ephraim now? Because Vasily seems to be the real protagonist and isn't annoying and useless.

* It is ebay time again:
BPAL: MADAGASCAN VANILLA RUM and LAWFUL: 5 ML: http://www.ebay.com/itm/BPAL-MADAGASCAN-VANILLA-RUM-and-LAWFUL-Partials-/301323254409?pt=fragrance&hash=item462843fa89

BPAL: HOT BUTTERED RUM and MR. VANDEMAR Partials: http://www.ebay.com/itm/BPAL-HOT-BUTTERED-RUM-and-MR-VANDEMAR-Partials-/301323278556?

BPAL: JOHNATHAN HARKER 2006 (LE, Halloweenie): http://www.ebay.com/itm/BPAL-JOHNATHAN-HARKER-2006-LE-Halloweenie-/301323296412?

THE BURYING-GROUND 2013 (LE, Yule, Miskatonic Valley: The Festival):: http://www.ebay.com/itm/BPAL-THE-BURYING-GROUND-and-WEZWANIE-/301323305482?

LUNAR ECLIPSE 2013 (Lunacy, LE): http://www.ebay.com/itm/BPAL-LUNAR-ECLIPSE-2013-Lunacy-LE-/301323313994?

* Fundraiser to Help Us Pay Back Rent and Insurance: http://www.gofundme.com/cuovws

This entry was originally posted at http://gwydion.dreamwidth.org/468803.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

archaeology, war, trans*, domestic violence, help, climate change, space, ebay, bias, tv, congress, gender, election, feminism

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