* More than 2000 people are dead out of more than 4000 people known to be infected with ebola. It is thought this is an underestimate.
* "Stone-tipped spears lethal, may indicate early cognitive and social skills:"
http://phys.org/news/2014-08-stone-tipped-spears-lethal-early-cognitive.html * "Prehistoric migrations: DNA study unravels the settlement history of the New World Arctic:"
http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/08/140828142748.htm * It is incredibly annoying that they are calling these humans "Hobbits," but it explains the more technical findings so I'm linking it.
http://news.discovery.com/human/evolution/lost-tribe-hobbits-of-the-arctic-traced-by-dna-140828.htm#mkcpgn=rssnws1 * "Central China unearths large neolithic site:"
http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/china/2014-08/27/c_133590859.htm * "Earliest known wooden toilet seat discovered at Vindolanda:"
http://www.vindolanda.com/_blog/press-releases/post/press-release---earliest-known-wooden-toilet-seat-discovered-at-vindolanda/ * "Medieval Tavern Ruins Unearthed Near Bulgaria's Turgovishte:"
http://www.novinite.com/articles/162910/Medieval+Tavern+Ruins+Unearthed+Near+Bulgaria%27s+Turgovishte * "Archaeologists Uncover “Vampire” Burial In Plovdiv:"
http://www.novinite.com/articles/162947/Archaeologists+Uncover+%E2%80%9CVampire%E2%80%9D+Burial+In+Plovdiv * "What can 14th century Venice teach us about Ebola and other emerging threats?:"
http://phys.org/news/2014-08-14th-century-venice-ebola-emerging.html * "The Victorian pig singing competition:"
http://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-magazine-monitor-28982145 * "The Strange History of ‘Mad Honey’:"
http://modernfarmer.com/2014/09/strange-history-hallucinogenic-mad-honey/ * "Life with PTSD:"
https://medium.com/message/trigger-warning-b37a166da64f * At some point over the Summer, I watched both Season of the Witch and Black Death. It was rather interesting. They made two very different movies from very similar set ups. (A motley mixed band of grizzled old warriors and a young cleric go on a long journey through pestilence ravaged landscapes to destroy a witch. Some of the party are not convinced they are dealing with a witch, while others are. Things do not go as planned). To my great surprise, Season of the Witch was actually watchable, which puts it far ahead of nearly everything else Nicolas Cage has done in the last couple decades. They cleverly used his burned out non-acting to convey burn out and matched him up with my beloved Ron Perlman and the lively Robert Sheehan. It worked reasonably well. It wasn't brilliant, but it was worth seeing once, mostly for Mr. Pearlman, and had a serviceable action plot.
Black Death, on the other hand, was legitimately good. It had Sean Bean, Starking it up, as he does. Eddie Redmayne is far from my favorite actor (I can't tell if it's my personal prejudice because he looks so much like a virulent misogynist I did 12 years with at that horrible school I went to as a child, and my deep hatred of the Other Boleyn Girl, or something about him.), but he was well cast here and doing a beautiful job with the acting. There was a fine mix of secondary players, and a remarkable amount of depth to the story. There was an underlying philosophical debate. There was deep ambiguity and complexity. The plot was pretty simple, but the characters and world weren't. I'm still playing with it, a couple of months later. How many movies I saw in the last can I say that about? I'm thinking maybe three. It's not an easy movie; it is dark as fuck. Seriously, Hob's last line in the film and it's delivery haunt me. (Hob is played by Tim McInnerny, best known for playing a fool on Black Adder, but currently playing a villain on Outlander. Talk about range...). Seriously, I turn over his answer in my head, so simple and true and tragic.
* Fundraiser to pay insurance and back rent:
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