* "Wall Street bonuses exceed all minimum wage pay:"
* Paul Ryan cites a white supremacist in his attack on the poor. "Paul Ryan's prescription for the poor:"
* "Dear Rep. Paul Ryan:"
* "Christie vs. Tesla?:"
* "Crazy living rock is one of the weirdest creatures we've ever seen:"
http://grist.org/list/crazy-living-rock-is-one-of-the-weirdest-creatures-weve-ever-seen/ * Oh look! The straight media just noticed that in a lot of cities they arest trans women for walking around their own neighborhoods. "Chris Hayes talks to a transgender woman about her arrest for fitting the profile of a sex worker.:"
* Greenwick found, "This Image Sums Up the Crisis Jamaica's LGBT Teens Are Facing:"
http://www.policymic.com/articles/85371/this-image-sums-up-the-crisis-jamaica-s-lgbt-teens-are-facing * Greenwick found, "HHS Secretary Sebelius Meets With LGBT Leaders:"
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/scout-phd/hhs-secretary-sebelius-me_b_4899306.html * "The Way We Live Now:"
http://dish.andrewsullivan.com/2014/03/13/the-way-we-live-now/ * "Lincoln loved good comedy:"
* I meant for today to be a massive sort of mementos and documents in my room, but ended up using nearly all the superglue trying to fix the collection of broken things that had accumulated, mostly so I could have book ends for my above the bed shelving that came with the apartment. It is amazing how many books I have managed to stow in my tiny bedroom. Today seemed to be a good day for anal retentive adjustments in various small things about the apartment to just generally make things better. The cabinets I fixed yesterday mostly stayed fixed, and the one that didn't I applied more superglue to. I still need to sort out the fish cabinet, but that and another dust gatherer will likely have to wait for another tube of glue.
* Come make my ex suffer for a good cause. ;) Seriously, he's a good guy and it's a good cause. He was a little over $800 short when I last checked. "Click here to support Pushups to Benefit HERO Housing by Jason Brick:"
http://www.gofundme.com/7gjymg This entry was originally posted at
http://gwydion.dreamwidth.org/414404.html. Please comment there using