(no subject)

Feb 17, 2014 03:05

* I'm angry enough about the verdict in the Jordan Davis trial, that putting together a coherent rant is hard. I do think that Angela Corey had no more interest in prosecuting Michael Dunn for his unprovoked drive by on unarmed teenagers because they were black than she was in prosecuting George Zimmerman for hunting and killing an unarmed teenager because he was black. She couldn't prove "malice" on Michael Dunn's part because she deliberately didn't try. They had admissible proof in writing that Michael Dunn really hated black people which she was too lazy to use at the trial. That's not trying and it shows the same pattern of racism that she has also shown in who she does and doesn't charge *cough* Marissa Alexander *cough* I'm betting she only charged Michael Dunn because she didn't want the bad publicity she garnered over Zimmerman's murder of Trayvon Martin, hence the half-assed prosecution in both cases.

* "What Else Is New? White Male Gets Away With Murdering Black Child In Florida:" http://www.transgriot.blogspot.com/2014/02/what-else-is-new-white-male-gets-away.html

* "Happy 19th Birthday, Jordan Davis:" http://www.transgriot.blogspot.com/2014/02/happy-19th-birthday-jordan-davis.html

* "Palaeolithic humans from the north of Spain moved homes to dwellings with better logistics:" http://phys.org/news/2014-01-palaeolithic-humans-north-spain-homes.html

* "Bronze Age Syrian Gold Jewellery:" http://ifpo.hypotheses.org/5546

* "Discovery of a maiden crown in Roskilde Cathedral burial:" http://www.pasthorizonspr.com/index.php/archives/02/2014/discovery-of-a-maiden-crown-in-roskilde-cathedral-burial

* "When an elephant walked on the frozen River Thames:" http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-25862141

* "U.S. Organizations Remain Silent while Nigerian Gays Desperate for Global Rally March 07:" http://oblogdeeoblogda.me/2014/02/13/u-s-organizations-remain-silent-while-nigerian-gays-desperate-for-global-rally-march-07/

* "Uganda to deny bail for anyone accused of homosexuality:" http://www.gaystarnews.com/article/uganda-deny-bail-anyone-accused-homosexuality140214

* "UK: Over 100 MPs and peers write to Uganda’s President urging him to amend anti-gay bill:" http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2014/02/13/uk-100-mps-peers-write-ugandas-president-urging-amend-anti-gay-bill/

* "US scientists find being gay is 40% genetic:" http://www.gaystarnews.com/article/us-scientists-find-being-gay-40-genetic140214

* "Trans Student Hopes to Make High School Softball Dreams a Reality:" http://www.advocate.com/politics/transgender/2014/02/13/trans-student-hopes-make-high-school-softball-dreams-reality

* Greenwick found:
"How LGBT Organizations Can Be Better Transgender Advocates:" http://www.huffingtonpost.com/brynn-tannehill/organizations-as-good-tra_b_4755649.html

"This Is Not Reporting, It's Transphobia: Journalists Should Do Better:" http://www.policymic.com/articles/82395/bruce-jenner-s-story-shows-why-it-s-important-for-journalists-like-me-to-report-respectfully-on-transgender-lives

It's too late for the protests, but this does an excellent job summing up why we're all so angry about this case. "Activists to Protest NYPDs Handling of Transwoman's Murder:" http://www.edgeboston.com/news/local/news//154706/activists_to_protest_nypd

* Congratulations to Melissa Harris_Perry on the Birth of her Son! She has asked that people wanting to send gifts give money to local organizations helping the poor where they live instead.

* Today Greenwick came over and did a lot of stuff involving tools and standing on ladders. The big bookcases are now anchored to studs so that Hector can't accidentally pull them down once they have books in them and kill himself or the rest of us. The back door curtain is mostly sorted. (I need to do a small adjustment with the liner, but no way am I trusting myself on a ladder at this point). Some key supplemental lighting is up (I need to get another long tailed power strip tomorrow, as the living room electrical system is awkward again, but once that it sorted, we will have means of turning on emergency lighting on entering the apartment, instead of stumbling around in the dark. Why they did not put a light switch by the door people on the ground floor are most likely to use, I don't know.) I have more supplemental lighting, but it's in storage, and it can wait. I need to dig around in the fish boxes for my spare heater for the 30 Gallon, and unpack the books and desk stuff, but we are closer to reasonable.

When I was a kid my Mother built me a loft bed, as I loved heights. When I moved West, I could not bring it. Over time, my body started to break down, making climbing unsafe. The same breakdown made stooping or bending over painful. I responded by staking shelving so things were higher up. In retrospect, this way of thinking has really helped now that my bed is so tall. I am not as close to the ceiling as I was growing up, but I don't find it odd being closer to it than average. The habit of tall furniture and stacking small peices on big ones means I was mentally set up to think that way when dealing with the challenges of not enough space and the high bed. I can reach most of the important things without leaving the bed, such as my DvD player and key bits of shelving. I admit, I'd prefer one or two more feet of width to make closet access less of a PITA, but my room is cozy, comfortable, and makes me happy. It still needs the art up and some unpacking into shelving, but my bedroom is Right. The common areas still look rather like an indoor flea market, but give me a few more weeks and it will be cozy and comfortable too.

* My Mother came from a long line of women who gardened. We had an excellent kitchen garden full of vegetables and herbs. She even had a crop rotation system for our corn patch involving tomato plants, fertilizer, and a fallow year. We had trees and bushes and ferns. we also had flowers. My Father loved flowers. he was a city kid who grew up in apartments. He loved having a yard in which we could grow flowers. He was serious about the lawn: watering, fertilizer, his never ending war against the dandelions, but the more complex gardening, my mother did, as she grew up with plants and he didn't.

The bulbs were his though. In late march when the snow started to melt, after he got home from school (he was a teacher), he and I would walk around the big side yard looking for crocus shoots pushing up through the snow. Oh the excitement at the touch of green in all that white! New Growth! Spring in the midst of snow and slush and gray skies. I loved the flowers, but most of all, I loved his open delight. He would squat down to examine them: bald head and tweeds, the snow often still wetting his pant cuffs. Soon the daffodil shoots would join the crocus shoots, usually just before the first blooms of the crocuses.

I will always associate crocuses and daffodils with my Father. Hyacinthes are my favorite for both beauty and scent, but I will always love crocuses and and daffodils, as harbingers of Spring and in memory of my Father's delight.

Today two of my crocuses had buds. It was pissing down rain off and on all day and periodically the icy wind off the bay was nearly enough to knock me down, but in one of the bulb planters, happy little crocuses are getting ready to bloom. A moment of delight.

garden, racism, archaeology, trans*, hate crimes, housing, injustice system, quiltbag, sports, africa, paleolithic, history

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