(no subject)

Jan 15, 2014 13:20

* So here is why the Alfred Wright murder looks suspicious:
Alfred Wright disappeared after work and was missing for nineteen days not that far from where James Byrd Jr. was dragged to death in a lynching and where lynching has been a fairly common activity. Authorities stopped looking after four days. His body was found stripped right where the authorities were looking. The official claim is that the clean cut young man randomly went on a drug bender, stripped himself, started decomposing, was beaten and cut up by wild animals presumably wielding knives in their paws, and insects stole his teeth without eating his soft tissue. He then died about three hours after his family found his dead body in the early stages of composition, because that totally makes sense. They refuse to investigate the obvious murder murder or explain the discrepancies. Given the clearly incompetent police autopsy and the observable discrepancies in the official stories.... Yeah, Right. *side eye* It makes about as much sense as the completely illogical cover up in the Kendrick Johnson case.

* "How the NSA Threatens National Security:" http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2014/01/how-the-nsa-threatens-national-security/282822/

* TW: End of Life Issues. "Talking back to the Kellers:" http://jlake-feed.dreamwidth.org/371558.html

* A Court has declared the Oklahoma Marriage ban unconstitutional, but there is a stay pending appeal, so no marriages yet.

* "Actually, "meeting a nice girl" wouldn't solve my problems, but thanks coworker!:" http://amorphousamphibian.wordpress.com/2014/01/15/actually-meeting-a-nice-girl-wouldnt-solve-my-problems-but-thanks-coworker/

* I wrote a longer version of this on Tumblr, but the short form is: If you need Trigger Warnings and/or cut posts on things I am not properly marking, PM me and I'll try to remember and fix it. I am not perfect, especially when I am as tired and ill as I currently am. I would much rather someone toss me a reminder than for me to be triggering people. I do forget things; I do slip up. I will not take offense and likely, if it is upsetting you it will upset someone else and your PM is helping that other person tor persons.

* ...And I woke up this morning to discover the land lines were dead. I very long customer service call to Comcast turned up the fact that they failed to "complete" the transfer last night which means nothing we did "is sticking." If I disappear from online, this is why. The lady is still trying to sort it out.

* I just dreamed that it was the future and Kerry Washington was the first African American Woman president.

* "Theft:" http://xkcd-rss.livejournal.com/332840.html

This entry was originally posted at http://gwydion.dreamwidth.org/392439.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

internet, racism, privacy, marriage equality, end of life, police crime, injustice system, spying, dreams

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