(no subject)

Jan 13, 2014 16:09

* Chris Christie wants to remind you that he's the real victim in the bridge scandal, not all the people harmed or endangered by the petty vindictiveness of his administration. After all which is worse to be humiliated for being responsible for this terrible thing or to be have your ambulance delayed in a medical emergency. Obviously Chris Christies Sad trumps the lady who died of a heart attack right?

* I'm pretty sure I posted these before, but it's a good reminder. I get extra screening two out of three check points for being disabled and they always send me through the full body scanner if they have one. (One or more of pat down, body scanner, luggage search by hand, checking shoes for explosives or pawing through all my meds. I am not claiming this is anywhere near as bad as the harassment brown people get trying to fly, but the TSA are notorious jerks when it comes to their treatment of passengers with disabilities. Remember that oor bastard who's stoma bag they ripped off, forcing his to fly soaked in his own filth? Yeah). Given the level of suspicion I already face, I don't bother with prosthetics or trans specific meds, since I sometimes have to go through the whole meds list and justify each drug. I live in a state where it's easy to match up ID, which I know is a privilege. I also travel as light as I can get away with. I still have to allow time for extra security screening. I have no fear of flying, but I worry plenty about the TSA capriciously stranding me mid trip for being "suspicious" for being disabled and/or trans. Anyway, "How TSA treats transgender travelers:" http://sdgln.com/entertainment/2014/01/10/how-tsa-treats-transgender-travelers#sthash.RgKcYQ9j.quEr6A9Z.dpbs

* The first of the new goosh went over so well that it was gone in 15 minutes with only two cats scarfing it up. I'm calling it "Mixed Birds" in my head as the real name is a long list of healthy ingredients. Omnomnom! Say the cats. The mixed fish with salmon did not go over as well. I was a bit worried that would be the case. They are not fond of salmon. They will eat it, but not as enthusiastically.

A couple minutes before game, Squirrel staggered out an announced he was sick. I grabbed game stuff, snacks and some extra bath and meds and met Blake player at the door. He waited for the boys and I headed over to the new place to do game there. Luckily, I had enough lawn chairs and little folding tables already in residence for the four of us. (Skull's player was also sick). After, I managed to clear enough space in the kitchen by dint of unpacking and food tetris that I can theoretically cook there. That doesn't mean things are properly put away. I've got a lot of things hanging out on counters, but most of it is in cabinets or on shelves. I have more kitchen stuff to unpack, but I can actually reach cabinets, yay!

Today I let my landlord know we will be out by the end of February. (I still haven't heard back from the movers and I want lots of time for cleaning after the big furniture goes). Rent here is $24.00 since November (Down from $365). It's worth it to make sure I can schedule movers and clean properly before we leave. Today, I'm picking the bones in my old room, as it were and if I have energy left, I'll work some more on my office area. If I'm up to it, I'll work more on getting my office packed.

We are switching the Internet Wednesday instead, most likely, as that's when I can get people to move my old mattress into Squirrel's new room and it will give Squirrel more time to rest up.

This entry was originally posted at http://gwydion.dreamwidth.org/391521.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

scandals, trans*, moving, disability, life, travel, politics, cats

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