* "President Obama's Remarks At Mandela Memorial:"
http://transgriot.blogspot.com/2013/12/president-obamas-remarks-at-mandela.html * Thanks to filibuster reform they have started filling vacancies that Republicans had been blanket blocking on the ideological grounds that they reject the constitutional power of the president to appoint judges, believing instead that the founding Fathers only meant that power to be used by Republican presidents, not ones of other parties.
* A drunk driver, with a history of similar offenses, who killed four significantly more valuable human beings will do no jail time on the grounds that he was not responsible for his actions on account of being rich. After all, rich people never have to be responsible for their actions, so why should he have to take responsible for the deaths he caused? I have no words.
The rich can literally kill us and do no jail time.
* "Blistering exposé prompts Johns Hopkins to suspend black-lung screenings:"
http://grist.org/business-technology/blistering-expose-prompts-hopkins-to-suspend-black-lung-screenings/ "Johns Hopkins University has long been paid by coal companies to screen former miners for black lung disease."
* Right wing rejects Mandela’s hero status:
* "Warren Ellis, congratulations. Your racist rhetoric about Nelson Mandela and Africa still manages to be trump any sick garbage Santorum, Cheney, Limbaugh have spewed." "African Heads of State All Go Nuts:"
http://arsmarginal.wordpress.com/2013/12/10/african-heads-of-state-all-go-nuts/ And to have Storm cosign this filth? Disgusting!
* "The NSA Has Been Spying On World Of Warcraft:"
http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/the-nsa-has-been-spying-on-world-of-warcraft * "The Punishment Cure:"
http://www.nytimes.com/2013/12/09/opinion/krugman-the-punishment-cure.html?hp&rref=opinion&_r=1& "Now, the G.O.P.’s desire to punish the unemployed doesn’t arise solely from bad economics; it’s part of a general pattern of afflicting the afflicted while comforting the comfortable (no to food stamps, yes to farm subsidies)."
* This:
http://s3.amazonaws.com/dk-production/images/60508/lightbox/TMW2013-12-11color.png?1386361128 * "At least 194 children have been shot to death since Newtown. Average age: 6.:"
http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2013/12/children-killed-guns-newtown-anniversary * Bring tissues. "The Forgotten Souls of London’s Women of the Night:"
http://www.messynessychic.com/2013/12/10/the-forgotten-souls-of-londons-women-of-the-night/ * "Rare orchid rediscovered in Azores:"
http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/25259754 * ""She Said 'This Is a Gun.' I Said No, It's a Prop for My Monkey.":"
http://www.loweringthebar.net/2013/12/she-said-this-is-a-gun-i-said-no-its-a-prop-for-my-monkey.html * "HISD Considering Policy Banning Offensive School Mascot Names:"
http://transgriot.blogspot.com/2013/12/hisd-considering-policy-banning.html * "What The Hell You Mean Trans Women Are 'Less Valuable'?:"
http://transgriot.blogspot.com/2013/12/what-hell-you-mean-trans-women-are-less.html * "`Its (sic) not bigorty (sic), its (sic) biology`:"
http://americablog.com/2013/12/bigorty-biology-sic.html * "Oregon Campaign For Gay Marriage Hits Signature Goal:"
http://www.ontopmag.com/article.aspx?id=17181&MediaType=1&Category=26 * "American Horrible Story - Gerrymandering:"
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The Daily Show
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The Daily Show on Facebook * Sleep cycle? What sleep cycle? I've just started the second course of anti-biotics since I'm not over the infection. The nebulizer pastes me together three times a day. You do not want to know what I keep coughing up.
* Did I mention that il-volpe sent me the best Christmas Card ever? il-volpe for the win!
* I just realized that I've been picturing Tamika Flynn, Summer Reading Freedom Fighter from Night Vale, as looking like Rue from the first Hunger Games Film. That seems fitting.
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